Reclaiming Sex
Your monthly Reclamation Wednesday devoted to your sexuality and sexual health.
Reclaiming Sex
Your monthly Reclamation Wednesday devoted to your sexuality and sexual health.
Reclaiming Sex
Your monthly Reclamation Wednesday devoted to your sexuality and sexual health.
Reclaiming Spirituality
Your monthly Reclamation Wednesday devoted to your deepest beliefs.
Reclaiming Séks
Your monthly Reclamation Wednesday devoted to your sexuality and sexual health.
Reclaiming Endings
Every single marriage ends.
Some end in death. Others end in divorce. And at this point, it’s about a 50/50 split with how any given marriage ends.
My first marriage ended in divorce. And according to cultural standards, I should consider that a failure. Because that whole “‘til death do us part” idea has permeated everything pretty intensely.
But, like, WHY?
Reclaiming Intuition
A few weeks ago, I sent out a content survey to my email list asking about what they enjoy receiving from me most. Overwhelmingly, the Fuck Shit Up Fridays email newsletter won out. So, as I close out this podcast (which also means my Wednesday emails and Thursday social content), that’s where a lot of my focus will be directed. What’s most interesting to me about that is that the newsletter came from, like, channeled guidance or whatever. And, listen. You can believe whatever you want to believe about spirit/the universe/god/what-the-fuck-ever and what connections we, as humans, may or may not have to the generality of whatever that is. I’m not here to be your spiritual leader, and I’m (still) not interested in getting into the details of what I personally believe (and absolutely do not believe) about it.
Reclaiming Space
Not like outer space, but the space I take up — in my home, in my life, in your inbox, in the world… That kind of space. Throughout the pandemic, my partner and I accumulated quite a bit of stuff. And last fall, we had a big yard sale to get rid of a lot of it. Then we donated whatever didn’t sell. For the last several months, I’ve been periodically working on cleaning and organizing our basement. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve swapped the furniture in my office and meditation room to create a space that’s more conducive to some new offers I’ve got coming out in the fall.
Reclaiming Retreats
If so, you know that retreats are…*record scratch* Wait. What is a retreat? This is a conversation I recently had with a friend of mine. She’s a fellow retreat host and was in a comment thread about pricing for retreats. Some folks were ASTOUNDED at how/why someone would charge $___ for their retreat. But the thing is, “retreat” doesn’t MEAN anything. Not anything universal, anyway.
Reclaiming Adornment
When you think of ADORNMENT, what comes to mind? Someone dripping in jewels, with lots of drapey fabric and heavy makeup? Tattoos, piercings, and other body art? I want to invite you to redefine adornment for yourself, and the definition I’m going to offer you to try on for size is this: Adornment is simply anything you put on your body with intention.
Reclaiming Nourishment
What do you find nourishing? And when you first consider that question, is food the thing that comes to mind immediately? We tend to think of food as our sole source of nourishment. And yes, there’s a whole conversation we need to have about what food is nourishing, how the food industry in the US has become so profit-driven that the nutrient density of a lot of food is a fraction of what it was less than 100 years ago, how inaccessible nourishing foods are in so many areas, and how easy it is for influencers and large corporations to distort the concept of nutrition to push ultra-processed garbage as essentially food replacements.
Reclaiming Your Body
For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been asking the question, “When was the last time you felt REALLY good in your body?” First, I asked inside the private community for Project Reclamation. Next, I asked my email list. Then I asked on social media. The responses I’ve gotten have been pretty…telling. Only one person has said that feeling good in her body is the norm. And she’s a yoga instructor. So doing things to support feeling good in her body is literally her job. For everyone else? Not so much.
Reclaiming the Marketing “Client Avatar”
You don’t need an avatar. If you’re in any kind of entrepreneurial space, I know you’ve seen the concept of the “Client Avatar” floating around. And there are people who SWEAR by the avatar. They will tell you that you can’t market or sell anything without an avatar. But here’s what I’d like to offer you: That’s bullshit. It’s truly one (of many) of my least favorite holdovers from old-school advertising that has made its way into content marketing.
Reclaiming Success
How do you define success? That’s a big question. And it spans many areas of life. So it may be difficult to answer. But let’s break it down: We’ll start with career. How do you define career success?