Reclaiming Self-Care

When was the last time you released your jaw?

OH! Never? Cool. Let’s do that.

Jaw tension is one of the biggest complaints I used to get from massage clients on my table. And it’s not really something we tend to think about when we consider stretching. That’s usually relegated to hamstrings, low backs, maybe necks. But jaws?

Generally, jaw clenching is habitual. If you’re a jaw clencher, pay attention over the next few days and notice if there’s a time you tend to clench. (I find it’s often during times we sort of disconnect from our bodies — driving, scrolling, sitting behind a computer.) When you become aware of the habit, you can pre-empt the clenching by keeping your jaw slightly open.

But how do you release the tension that has been built up by habitual clenching? By stretching the external muscles that clench and strengthening the internal muscles that run in the opposite direction. And to do that, stick your bottom teeth out over your top teeth. Jut your jaw forward in an underbite position. Clench that way.

The muscles on the outside of your jaw run vertically. Clenching tightens those muscles, kinda like flexing your biceps. The underbite clench elongates those muscles while tightening the muscles that run horizontally, which is then like straightening your arms — elongating your biceps while tightening your triceps.

Do this any time your jaw feels tight. Hold it for a few seconds. It’ll likely be pretty uncomfortable to do at first, and your jaw will get tired quickly. Over time, though, you’ll be able to hold it longer as your jaw tension releases. 30-90 seconds 3x a day (or more, if you need it) can be helpful until you notice that tension isn’t contributing to headaches or causing other facial pain any longer. Then use this stretch as needed.


It’s Friday! Let’s Fuck Shit Up Together!


Reclaiming Séks