What the fuck is coaching, anyway?

  • Let’s start with what I don’t do. I don’t tell you what to do, and I don’t tell you what to think. Because I cannot possibly know what’s right for you and your life. I don’t fix you, and I don’t help you fix yourself. Because you’re not fucking broken. You are, however, likely socialized to believe some bullshit about yourself. That you’re somehow not enough, or somehow too much, or (my favorite) simultaneously BOTH. You’ve been handed stories about what you should and shouldn’t be/do/say/think all of your life. And you’ve adopted much of that as your preconscious belief system, without consent. Those stories have led to you people pleasing, selling yourself short, and burning all the way out. And it’s the stories that I help with.

    When you’re living according to the stories you’ve been handed, without questioning them - or even recognizing that they’re entirely optional and that other options exist - you don’t have autonomy over your life. You give away your power.

    When you reach a point where you know something needs to change, but you’re not sure how to make that change? I call those moments pressure points. And that’s where I come in. Maybe you’ve tried therapy, or bubble baths, or staring at yourself in the mirror while repeating a positive mantra a dozen times and feeling absolutely ridiculous. And I’m not knocking any of that! But if it didn’t work for you, you’re probs my people. Because none of it worked for me, either. At least not on its own.

    What did work for me was having someone guide me through my ingrained thought patterns that were leading to a stress level that was through the roof and the behavioral patterns I wanted out of. That allowed me to see them, question them, and dismantle the nonsense holding it all up, so that I could make a new choice. And it worked so well that I couldn’t keep it to myself.

    I started sharing it with my sales team and ultimately decided to make it official and become a life coach. Now, I've helped hundreds of non-men shift the bullshit stories that were handed to them to remember and reclaim the parts of themselves they've forgotten over time. They’ve stepped into their power in so many ways - rediscovering themselves, shedding decades of shame, setting badass boundaries, giving up the diet cycle, making more money, strengthening their relationships, and taking back their time. That’s what I want for you, too.

    You deserve to be the authority of your own life. You’re in charge.

    Check out "Why You Should Hire a Life Coach Even if You Already Have the Knowledge and Resources" on my podcast, The Reclamation Podcast (formerly F-Words: Your Business is Feminist AF).

  • Literally your whole life! I’m not kidding!

    You know that old saying, "How you do anything is how you do everything?" That applies to coaching, too. The patterns you shift in one area connect to every other area. So when we do work on money scarcity, it'll translate over into your time scarcity patterns. And when we do work on your relationship to your family of origin, it'll translate over into the patterns you play out in your intimate relationships.

    Whether you're in a group or working with me individually, you get to bring your whole self to the call. That means whatever is happening in your life, regardless of whether or not it's related to the content subject for that week or month, it's appropriate for coaching.

    Because all of the socialization we receive plays out in every area of our lives. And whatever is coming up for you in any given moment will allow us to tap into the unhelpful patterns you have, examine them, strengthen the ones you want to keep, and shift the ones you don't.

    It’s all connected.

    Find out about one of my personal coaching experiences in Episode 61 of my podcast and about what happens when you think particular thoughts in Episode 47!

  • I primarily work with small and home-based business owners who don’t fit the mold of the ultra-capitalistic bro entrepreneur. And because they don’t fit that mold, alllll of their socialized bullshit comes up to tell them that they’re doing it wrong at pretty much every turn. It may not be loud screaming they hear from themselves, though sometimes it is. And sometimes it’s just a quiet whisper coming from the corner of their mind that they should be doing more, better, and more quickly.

    Together, whether it’s in a group or 1:1, we work on dismantling that socialization so they can truly notice and reclaim their power - the power to run things differently, the power to live and work by their own rules, and the power to grow both personally and professionally toward their desired success.

    Don’t just take my word for it – see what my clients are saying!

  • If you’re ready to do the work to create meaningful change, the answer is probably YES. I offer an initial consultation free of charge so we can decide if we’re a good fit for each other. To request your consultation, follow this link or reach out via email to:


  • First things first; I am not a therapist or counselor. I will not provide, or attempt to provide, medical advice and will direct clients to seek outside sources when necessary. That doesn’t limit what you can bring to coaching, it simply ensures that I’m serving you to the best of my ability, and you’re well taken care of.

    Coaching tools can be incredibly beneficial in conjunction with a variety of therapeutic modalities. And I’m always up for coaching you about your relationship to your mental health. (That shit is important!)

    My ultimate goal with all of my clients is to help them get to a point where they don’t need me. I coach you, and I teach you how to coach yourself (offering you a variety of tools to do so), so that you’ll be able to navigate this thing we call life a little more smoothly, regardless of whether or not other therapies are part of your experience.

    In my experience, therapy focuses on the past to get us to a place of functioning, whereas coaching focuses on reclaiming the present and creating the future - which can involve working on our relationship to the past, but doesn't require delving in and unpacking it. This allows us to get beyond baseline functioning in order to actually create the lives we want to live and thrive in them.

    If that sounds dreamy, don't worry. I thought that, too. Because I thought neutrality and just "not having panic attacks wake me up in the middle of the night" sounded great! When I got really solid in neutrality, though, I began to see what could be possible juuuuuust a little further.

    What I can promise you is that the more adept you become at taking it juuuuust a little further, the more possibilities you see. You can't create externally what you can't see internally. Coaching helps you create that internal vision and connect to it, so juuuuust a little further becomes habitual.

Podcast Episodes Highlights

FAQs About How I Run Things

  • I curate my programs in a way that allows clients to access lessons, call recordings, and send direct messages for coaching at their own pace! There are no grades, no tests, and I won’t be micromanaging your engagement. Coaching can only help as much as each individual wants it to, and I trust my clients to determine that point for themselves, or to bring it to a coaching call for help making that determination. I foster the community we share in Selling U, and The Rexy Collective but did not create them. My clients create it; the collective creates the culture within our communities.

    To hold a safe, compassionate, loving, trusting space for my clients I have to trust them and let them trust me. I show up to and for our community in a way that encourages my clients to emulate safety, compassion, trust, and love back to me and to each other. I do this through leading with transparency, integrity, and vulnerability. The results have been nothing short of incredible!

    See what clients have said about the community. You can also check out what I’ve discussed on Collective Leadership and Team Culture on my podcast, The Reclamation Podcast (formerly F-Words: Your Business is Feminist AF).

  • When I first started my coaching practice, I did not go the traditional route of offering one-to-one coaching packages. In my decade of coaching and leadership within the direct sales industry, what I found is that small groups were far more beneficial for many folks than individual coaching sessions.

    When you’re in a group, you develop a trust with the other members that provides support and the knowledge that you’re not the only one – no matter what. And when you have the opportunity to witness someone else receive coaching, your brain internalizes their session in a way that lets you take in so much, and at such a deep level. You’ll apply what they’re going through and what they’re learning about themselves to your own life because you’re seeing it from the outside.

    When you’re in a coaching session, it can be a little bit like a deer in the headlights; you don’t necessarily know what the fuck is coming at you! Group sessions allow you a chance to take in coaching without having those headlights staring you down the whole time. And you’ll have access to group call replays afterward, so you can re-watch and create the same “outside” experience for yourself with regard to your own coaching session.

  • For the Selling U community: Soirée Membership Community lessons are provided via the Selling U Facebook Group. Magic & Mutiny level members have access to all Soirée content. Both pathways have private Zoom calls, with Soirée calls being exclusively group calls each week, and Magic & Mutiny being a mix of weekly group calls and monthly 1:1 check-ins with an introductory hour-long strategy session and celebratory retreat at the end, held either virtually or in my home city of Kansas City.

    Members of The Rexy Collective access group calls via private Zoom links and receive all lessons and materials via the community's private Facebook group.

  • Let’s clarify one thing first: Can’t or won’t? What’s the real truth there?

    No one, outside of maybe you, is micromanaging your coaching engagement.

    And if you don’t want to engage, that’s totally up to you! No one is forcing you! That said, I encourage you to ask yourself why, and if you like your reasons for not engaging. If so, excellent! Pick it back up when you want to! If not, bring that to a coaching call and we’ll talk about it. If you’re having tech issues accessing the materials or calls, we’ll help you figure it out to the best of our ability. And if you’re traveling or a call otherwise doesn’t fit into your schedule, the replay will be available for you to watch afterward.

  • Absolutely! I have a few limited spots available for 1:1 coaching for more personalized time and attention. It’s a super simple offer, and provides quite a bit of flexibility. Use the links below for more information, or to set up a consult call!

    Find out more here or request a consultation.