Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

Reclaiming Adornment

Reclaiming Adornment

When you think of ADORNMENT, what comes to mind?

When you think of ADORNMENT, what comes to mind? 

 Someone dripping in jewels, with lots of drapey fabric and heavy makeup? Tattoos, piercings, and other body art?

I want to invite you to redefine adornment for yourself, and the definition I’m going to offer you to try on for size is this: 

Adornment is simply anything you put on your body with intention. 

And I want you to consider what it might be like if you embodied that definition, adorning yourself — with intention — every single day. 

For a lot of us, we get dressed in the morning without much thought. When we shower, we may or may not pay much attention to the products we use or the experience of using them. And we carry that inattention to our post-shower routine. 

But consider how good it feels when you’re getting ready for a special event — the extra attention you give to applying all of the body, beauty, or haircare products you use; the experience of putting on an outfit that you love the look and feel of; the uplifted self-image you have when you know you’ve put intention into adorning yourself. 

And compare that to the times you throw on your ripped underwear, holey leggings, and that same hoodie you’ve been wearing for six days straight. 

The biggest difference I tend to notice that separates the intentionality of the former from the IDGAF vibe of the latter is that when we’re truly adorning ourselves, it tends to be FOR other people. 

When we’re dressing for ourselves, we’re often dressing “for no one.”

Think about it. How many times have you said — about your outfit choice — something like, “Nobody’s going to see me today, so it doesn’t matter.” 

What you’re unconsciously saying to yourself in that moment is, “I’m the only one who’s going to see me today, and I DON’T MATTER.” 

Of course, you may have partners/children/roommates who live with you. And we can talk about the extension of that vibe out to those relationships on a different day. 

The point I really want to drive home here is this: YOU are NOT no one. 

And you DESERVE to offer yourself the same intentionality that you offer to other people. 

You deserve to adorn yourself FOR YOU.

“But I don’t have time…”

“But I don’t have the energy…”

“But I don’t CARE…”

Blah, blah, fucking blah. 

Here’s the deal. When you adorn yourself with intention, you FEEL better. It doesn’t have to take any extra time at all. And it won’t TAKE energy from you. It’ll GIVE YOU energy. And while you may not care what you look like within the four walls of your own home, I want to invite you to consider why you care about adorning yourself when it’s for other people but not for yourself. 

I’m not suggesting you need to get dressed up every day. Wear the damn leggings and hoodie! Just get rid of the ripped undies, the holey leggings, and wash the fucking hoodie. 

You deserve to wear clean clothing that is fully intact. 

You deserve to have the uplifting experience of noticing the products you use — whether that’s the fragrance of your body wash, the lather of your shampoo, the texture of your lotion, or anything else. Maybe that includes other beauty and haircare products for you. Maybe it doesn’t. 

But you do all this shit for OTHER PEOPLE. And you deserve to be on the RECEIVING end of that from yourself. 

Reclaim adornment for yourself. Adorn yourself for YOU. And see how that uplevels your experience of your life.

We’re focusing one of our six weeks on adornment in the upcoming Body Reclamation course — a six-week journey into reclaiming your body for YOU. The curriculum starts Wednesday, May 8. Email me for more info or to register.

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

Reclaiming Nourishment

Reclaiming Nourishment

What do you find nourishing?

What do you find nourishing? 

And when you first consider that question, is food the thing that comes to mind immediately?

We tend to think of food as our sole source of nourishment. And yes, there’s a whole conversation we need to have about what food is nourishing, how the food industry in the US has become so profit-driven that the nutrient density of a lot of food is a fraction of what it was less than 100 years ago, how inaccessible nourishing foods are in so many areas, and how easy it is for influencers and large corporations to distort the concept of nutrition to push ultra-processed garbage as essentially food replacements. 

But that’s not the conversation we’re having today. 

Today, we ARE going to talk a little bit about food. And then expand the concept of nourishment beyond food. 

In the six-week Body Reclamation course, we’re spending a week on nourishment. When it comes to food, we’re focusing on the experience of consuming our food, what our bodies feel like at the end of the meal or snack, what our bodies feel like 20 minutes later, and what our bodies feel like 3 hours later. 

It’s an exercise I used to have my massage clients do when they were looking to up their nutrition. 

Because there’s not a one-size-fits-all diet. If there were, both vegan AND keto diets would not be touted as THE HOLY GRAIL OF DIETS. 

*Oh. Sorry. “Lifestyles.” 🙄

And getting to know what YOUR body feels like when you eat different things is the pinnacle of cracking the code for what foods truly nourish YOUR body. 

If you’re interested in this exercise, all you need is a couple of minutes each time you eat something and a way to make note of your experience. This is not a forever thing. Do it for a week. Do it for a month. If you’re really curious about how something in particular feels in your body, focus on that. If not, just use it to gain some awareness into YOUR body. 

The 20-minute and 3-hour marks are to gauge how well the food is digesting and to track your energy levels. If you’re wired 20 minutes after eating but crash 3 hours later, that’s helpful information for you to have. You may want to tweak the meal or snack. Or you may simply want to prepare for that physiological response to the food in the future. 

When we take this concept of noting what feels good to experience in the moment, 20 minutes later, and 3 hours later out beyond food, we can then note other non-consumptive types of nourishment:

🌞 Sunshine

🌬️ Fresh air

🎨 Creative pursuits

👯 Time with friends

💞 A long hug

🐾 Playing with dogs

🍪 Baking cookies with a child

🎼 Music

❤️🔥 Great sex

🌳 Spending time near trees

🌊 Being in or near water

💤 Naps

☕ Warm beverages

This is not an exhaustive list of nourishing activities but rather an invitation to use it as a catalyst to consider what nourishes you and to add more of it to your life. 

You deserve to be well-nourished. With food and otherwise.

You also deserve support in your pursuit of nourishment. 

For that, I recommend my upcoming Body Reclamation course. It’s a six-week deep dive into reclaiming your body. For you. 

There’s a VIP upgrade option that includes an in-person retreat here in Kansas City where your body will be treated to the kinds of nourishing experiences most folks only dream about. 

And there are 2 spots left. Want one?

Email me, and I’ll send you the registration link. The course starts on Wednesday, May 8. 

For the VIP upgrade: The retreat is held the weekend of June 21, in line with the full moon that falls on the summer solstice. (Yes, there will be a ritual.)

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

It’s Friday! Let’s F*ck Some Sh*t Up Together!

Happy Friday, lovely! It’s time to fuck some shit up!

Happy Friday, lovely! It’s time to fuck some shit up! 

Twice a month, in accordance with the lunar cycles, we gather in circle here and in your inbox for a salaciously good time. We talk sex, self-care, and reclaiming what has always been ours via ritualized practices and hexing shitty politicians. And for my entrepreneurial babes out there, you’re getting a little bonus sales tip, too. 

Why? Because I want to combine everything in my varied background into one place to offer my highest and greatest good to you. Take what resonates. Leave the rest. 


🔥 SEXIn this segment, I hand you a little tip to keep your sexual health in line or spice up your bedroom. Why? Because I sold sex toys for 12 years and received training from some of the best sexologists in the world. Any products mentioned are available HERE.

Take your own lube to the gyno.

Seriously. You can do that. I do.

Make sure the lubricant is water-based, has no flavor or fragrance, isn’t infused with CBD or THC, and you’re good to go.

Because nobody likes to have the goopy nonsense dripping down their leg as soon as they stand up.

Will the doctor look at you funny? Maybe. But your vagina deserves to be treated with love.

And the lube your doctor has?

That’s not love. It’s just efficiency, bought in bulk.

In case you’re curious which lube I take, it’s called Just Like Me and it’s available here. No, I don’t take KY. Just because they have a great marketing team does not mean they have a great product. 😘 🔥


💖 SELF-CAREIn this segment, I combine my background as a massage therapist with my training as a coach to offer you tips for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. My personal recommendation for physical movement is the Pilates-based mat work offered by Tandy Gutierrez. Not only has Tandy’s work helped me navigate living in an auto-immune body, but over the years, this has helped me more than anything else to heal my nervous system. Check out her Unicorn Wellness Studio HERE.

Essential oils. ← Just saying those two words can get a mixed bag of responses. Everything from people rolling their eyes and proclaiming they’re not real to die-hard EO folks who call themselves “oily” with pride and march against vaccines.

So, let’s get super real about them. Should you seek out an essential oil salesperson over your doctor if you have cancer? NO. Of fucking course not.

But can they help you feel a little better and help you connect with nature and yourself a little more? Yep.

For context, in my previous life as a massage therapist, I received a double certification in essential oils and aromatherapy.

I always found the word “aromatherapy” misleading. Folks often interpret it as meaning that the oil’s fragrance alone has therapeutic properties.

But that’s not the thing. Smelling the oils can be lovely! I’m not discounting that! But for some of them, applying them to the skin offers more benefits. While ingesting some oils can be helpful. (NOTE: Not all oils are safe to apply to the skin; some require what’s known as a “carrier oil,” such as coconut oil or jojoba oil, in order to be skin-safe, and certainly not all essential oils are safe to ingest. Let’s not get carried away here.)

Today, I want to offer you two easy-to-find oils as options to integrate into your self-care practices: lavender and mint.

Lavender is known to have calming properties, while mint is more on the uplifting side.

If you tend to experience anxiety, frustration, nervous system hyperarousal, or other types of agitation, it may be worth an experiment to get yourself some lavender essential oil. You can diffuse it, put it in your bath water, or mix it in with your favorite unscented lotion or body wash.

And if you lean more in the direction of depression or nervous system hypoarousal, mint oil might be your new bestie! Same options as above with what to do with it.

Both are safe to apply to the skin, though I do recommend a carrier for doing so. (Hence the idea to mix it with your fave lotion or body wash.) And if you purchase them in a roller-ball type of packaging, they’re likely already in a carrier, because those bottles are intended to be applied directly to the skin.

Do you use EOs? If so, I’d love to know your go-to blends and what you use them for! Email me and tell me. 💖

💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸

💸 SALESAgain, I sold sex toys for 12 years. In the direct sales industry. I was fucking good at it. I earned a ton of incentives. And I trained hundreds of other women how to do the same thing. Now, I’ve taken my experience from that career, my experience with a brick-and-mortar massage practice with massage membership sales, and from building my coaching practice to develop a sales and business membership community to help other entrepreneurs redefine their relationship to sales, systems, and strategy so they can grow in a sustainable way. In this segment, I’m offering all my entrepreneurial love bugs a sales tip. Skip this part if it doesn’t apply to you. And if it does? Get my free 7-day course to find and hone your authentic sales voice at

Get the fuck off of social media.

I don’t mean forever. And I don’t even mean that you should take a break from social. But consider how you can market your business and sell your offers offline.

Seriously. Think about it.

What networking events take place within driving distance of where you live?
What events happen where you might be able to hold a vendor booth?
Where can you host an in-person workshop?
What local panels can you get on?

Where ELSE can you go — physically — to meet people who might be interested in what you have to offer?

Where does your ideal client hang out in real life? Go there.

In-person sales conversion rates are MUCH higher than online sales conversion rates. You have an incredible opportunity to build a relationship with someone who’s directly in front of you, with a real conversation, that simply doesn’t exist on social.

This doesn’t discount the value of social media for marketing and selling. But diversify your approach to include offline avenues and you’ll go farther more quickly. 💸


✨ SPELLBecause this newsletter is sent out in conjunction with the lunar cycles, this segment offers you a moon ritual. Prior to all the stuff listed above, I studied art history as a way to develop an understanding of world religions. Since childhood, I’ve been on a spiritual journey to develop my own relationship to the divine. In no way do I have any interest in telling you what to believe or not believe. That’s for you. It’s personal. And for me, it’s cyclical. My spiritual practices have changed my relationship to time in such a beautiful way that I want to offer you a bit of that shift here by recognizing the cycles of the moon in order to hand you an opportunity to incorporate cyclical time into your experience of life. I work with many spiritual mentors, and ritualized practices are incorporated into the foundation of Project Reclamation—my equity-centered membership community—as well as the Reclamation Weekend retreats I host. And when you joined this email list, you received a Reclamation ritual from me. Again, I don’t care what you believe in or don’t believe in. Paying attention to the moon will help repair your relationship with time, which capitalism has fucked up for all of us. If you’d like to dive deeper into esoteric spirituality, I recommend checking out the Magical Mentoring program offered by Tandy, who I mentioned in blue above, for her Pilates work. That info is HERE

Across time and culture, the moon has often represented our inner world of emotional connection, spiritual journey, and relationship to self. Aligning myself with the cycles of the moon has offered me the added bonus of shifting my relationship with time. When we allow ourselves the space for rest and renewal, rather than keeping ourselves stuck in the constant hustle & grind mentality of late-stage capitalism, our perspectives on what’s influential, what’s valuable, and what’s worthy of our energy have space to become deeper and more personal. 

This week, I’m offering you a full moon ritual to hand you a little piece of that.

This doesn’t have to take a long time. The idea is to be present with yourself and focused on your full experience during the ritual. Pay attention to the sensations you feel during the ritual and make note of them afterward. I’d love to hear about your experience if you’d like to share!


The full moon is an excellent time to release anything you’ve been holding onto. And this can mean one of two things! Either you’ve been clinging to something that isn’t serving you, and you’re releasing your grip, or you’ve been working toward creating something that you’re now ready to release into the world. Whichever option resonates most with you, that’s where to focus your energy for this ritual.

Supplies: paper, pen, candle, some sort of non-flammable receptacle (actual cauldron, metal, glass, or ceramic bowl or pot, fire pit outside, the base of a grill — you’re gonna burn some shit up so you want something to let it burn in that’s not going to cause any damage to anything)


  1. Take a few minutes and ground yourself, whatever that means to you – whether that’s a few deep breaths, listening to a guided meditation, washing your face, putting your feet in the grass, masturbating, or anything else. Then light your candle.

  2. Write out what it is that you’d like to release. If this is something you’ve been clinging to that isn’t serving you, and you’re releasing your grip on it, fold the paper in half AWAY from your body. If it’s something you’ve been working on and are releasing into the world, fold the paper in half TOWARD your body.

  3. Light the paper on fire and let it burn in your non-flammable receptacle. 

BONUS: If you want to mix the burnt ashes with salt and/or offer them back to the earth by sprinkling them around outside or burying them under the moon, go for it!

We are out of eclipse season, baby! And the full moon happening on Tuesday, April 23, is a pink supermoon coming in hot on the tails of a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. The sun is in Taurus, which relates to our bodies and our resources. And the moon will be in Scorpio, offering us introspection and self-reflection.

Add in that Jupiter-Uranus vibe, throwing some big support for any sudden inspiration or fresh ideas.

I invite you to use these concepts to inform your full moon ritual this month. And, if you feel so inclined, snap a pic during your ritual and tag me on socials. I’d love to bear witness to your lunar vibes.


✊ STATECRAFTPolitics is a not-so-secret passion of mine. I used to run a couple of political organizations here in Kansas City and lobby at the state level in Missouri with Planned Parenthood. The 2016 election is what led me into coaching after I lost my mind and a therapist told me I had “excellent coping skills” because I was focusing all my time and energy on political volunteerism. And in this segment, we might get a little petty. But we’ll always be aiming to reclaim our power from the cis-heteronormative, puritanical, white supremacist patriarchy we currently live under in this hellscape of climate change and late-stage capitalism. Here, I’ll offer suggestions on candidates to donate to, people to follow, podcasts to subscribe to, and answer the question of WHO ARE WE HEXING? (Josh Hawley is always on that list.)

Today’s hexation is a little bit open for discussion. We’ve got a focus, but who’s the main culprit and deserves our hexing energy? That’s nuanced and debatable.

Our focus is what’s been happening for the last several months in Palestine.

Now that Iran has gotten directly involved, the public attention has shifted away from Gaza. The connections between Iran and Russia bring the war in Ukraine into the conversation. And it was an atrocious situation to begin with.

Who started it and who’s most to blame for the problem depends on your perspective of both historical and current events, your connections to both Islam and Judaism, your spiritual beliefs, how you see this relating to colonialism and white supremacy, and your personal lived experience of oppression. And I’m not here to tell you which way to lean in any of that. There’s a lot of nuance involved. Which has led to a lot of hatred and blame.

But there are also a lot of dead innocent people and even more who are suffering. And adding violence to violence does not equal less violence. That math doesn’t math.

So, to direct our hexes this week, I invite you to consider who you think is most standing in the way of a permanent ceasefire and who is most promoting the continuation of war-like conditions. Wherever you land, that’s who gets your hex.

*This segment is not intended to promote harm to anyone in any way. I don’t hex people in real life. 


That’s it for this week, lovely! I appreciate you offering me space in your day. And I look forward to seeing you fuck some shit up today! ❤️‍🔥



P.S. I want to invite you to Project Reclamation, a private, equitable, self-coaching community, to explore the most expansive version of yourself. Inside, you’ll receive tools for nervous system regulation, emotional processing, and cognitive self-coaching. Plus, you’ll have access to Master Certified Coaches to receive written coaching as well as live coaching via group calls. And you’ll be able to join in on an integrated book club, as well as both virtual and in-person community celebrations. 

Maybe life coaching has felt out of reach for you in the past, as it’s often relegated to those hoarding enough wealth to be bored. But self-discovery doesn’t actually come in Tiffany boxes, and it is my goal to make healing and growth accessible to everyone. 

Inside this space, we’re committed to reclaiming our bodies, our time, our joy, and our lives from all the cultural conditioning that has left us feeling less than. And we’re doing it in a vibrant, supportive community that is truly open to everyone who shares these values. (Though cis-het white Christian men may struggle a bit.)

Registration is now open, so click the link to join. See you on the inside!

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

Reclaiming Your Body

Reclaiming Your Body

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been asking the question, “When was the last time you felt REALLY good in your body?”

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been asking the question, “When was the last time you felt REALLY good in your body?”

First, I asked inside the private community for Project Reclamation. Next, I asked my email list. Then I asked on social media. 

The responses I’ve gotten have been pretty…telling. 

Only one person has said that feeling good in her body is the norm. And she’s a yoga instructor. So doing things to support feeling good in her body is literally her job.

For everyone else? Not so much. 

There were some themes that came up, though. And these themes tell the story of how we’re socialized to relate to our bodies. 

“I can’t remember the last time I felt REALLY good in my body” was a common type of response. 

Digging deeper into these, two themes emerged: safety and body image. 

For some folks, there’s a history of illness, injury, or trauma that has led to them feeling unsafe in their bodies. 

For others, simply living in our patriarchal, white supremacist, puritanical, ultra-capitalistic society has resulted in them believing that their bodies are somehow wrong or bad. That they don’t look, behave, or perform in a way that is good enough. 

Another theme that emerged related to nourishment. 

When we’re nourishing our bodies — yes, with foods and beverages that feel good to consume and digest — but also with rest, sunshine, fresh air, play, internal and external hydration, and other methods of physical self-care, our bodies feel better. 

A lot of the responses were connected to what one of our Project Reclamation members called “happy movement.” 

Moving our bodies in ways that feel good (which is NOT a universal type of movement) also allows our bodies to feel better. And when our bodies physically feel better, we feel better IN them. 

Another theme in several of the responses had to do with adornment. 

When no one will see us, we often dress differently than we do when we go out. The grocery store is not the same outfit as a date night. Because we tend to dress for other people. But we often feel better in those garments than we do when we’re dressing for ourselves. What if you decided to dress in a way that meant you always felt good in your clothes, regardless of who would see you? If you were dressing for YOU, what would be different?

The last theme I noticed from the responses? “During or after sex.”

Embodiment is required to be present during sex. And when we’re embodied, we can notice heightened sensory pleasures. Though that’s available in other ways, sex provides a really beautiful opportunity to explore pleasure through our bodies. 

Why am I sharing these themes with you? 

Because when YOU think of the last time you felt REALLY good in your body, if your answer falls under one or more of the six categories of Safety, Body Image, Nourishment, Movement, Adornment, or Sexuality, you’re not alone

And, in fact, you’re in exactly the right place. 

I’ve tapped into my background as a massage therapist, sexual health educator, and master certified life coach to address these six themes in a 6-week Body Reclamation course. 

Starting Wednesday, May 8, we’ll embark on a journey together to dive into each of the themes in a small group. 

You’ll receive structured curriculum to help you break down your socialized narratives about your body, cultivate emotional safety within yourself, nourish and move your body in ways that feel good to you, adorn yourself FOR YOU, and explore your own sensual pleasure centers. 

You’ll have a trusted community for support, encouragement, and connection. 

You’ll have me to guide you through every step of the process. 

And you’ll come out the other side with a more solid, grounded, positive relationship to your body. 

Want in? Just DM me, and I’ll send you the registration form.

Spots are extremely limited because I take “small group” very seriously. So if you’re interested (or even just a little curious) reach out. 

You deserve to reclaim your body. For you.

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

Wanna Go To France With Me and Sarah?

Wanna Go To France With Me and Sarah?

I sat down with my friend and co-host for an upcoming retreat to talk about the details.

A few weeks ago, I sat down with my friend and co-host for an upcoming retreat to talk about the details. We decided to record it and share it with you. 

If you’ve ever wanted to attend an event where you’re supported in self-exploration, personal development, and spiritual expansion, this is one you’ll want to get in on. 

We’ve still got a couple spots open at the time of this podcast episode release, but there are a handful of people considering them…more people than there are spots open. So, if you want in, now’s the time to jump. 

Listen here

Register for the retreat at

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

It’s Friday! Let’s F*ck Some Sh*t Up Together!

Happy Friday, lovely! It’s time to fuck some shit up!

Happy Friday, lovely! It’s time to fuck some shit up! 

Twice a month, in accordance with the lunar cycles, we gather in circle here and in your inbox for a salaciously good time. We talk sex, self-care, and reclaiming what has always been ours via ritualized practices and hexing shitty politicians. And for my entrepreneurial babes out there, you’re getting a little bonus sales tip, too. 

Why? Because I want to combine everything in my varied background into one place to offer my highest and greatest good to you. Take what resonates. Leave the rest. 


🔥 SEXIn this segment, I hand you a little tip to keep your sexual health in line or spice up your bedroom. Why? Because I sold sex toys for 12 years and received training from some of the best sexologists in the world. Any products mentioned are available HERE.

In the last Fuck Shit Up Fridays newsletter, we talked about how it’s often a REALLY good idea to use a lube. But how do you decide which one to use?

Here’s a quick and dirty breakdown of the basics:

💦 Vaseline — This is a big NO. Petroleum sits on the surface of your tissues, creating a barrier. Sounds great and protective, until you take that to the next step and realize that it actually suffocates those tissues. Your vag needs to breathe, and there’s no way to get the Vaseline OFF and OUT. So you’ll end up creating the perfect trap for bacteria overgrowth. (This will also break down a condom and destroy any toys.)

💦 Baby Oil — This is also petroleum. So everything I sad about Vaseline? That applies here, too.

💦 Lotion - Also NO. Lotion is intended for your external tissues, not your internal tissues. Don’t do it. Nearly guaranteed yeast infection. And many lotions contain petroleum. So…all the Vaseline stuff applies to them.

💦 Plant-Based Oils — There are differing opinions on this, but here’s what’s important to note. Just like petroleum, oils sit on the surface of your tissues, and you can’t get them out or off. There’s less risk of tissue suffocation because *eventually* the oils will break down, but that takes time. So that can create a breeding ground for bacteria. Some medical providers will say coconut oil is the only advised oil to use because its antibacterial properties prevent the bacteria overgrowth that other oils can foster. But there haven’t actually been any worthwhile studies on this. So this is a bit of a gray area. (This will also break down a condom and will be less destructive to toys than Vaseline, but won’t be great for them.)

💦 Water-Based Lubes — These are generally regarded as safe, though you’ll want to read your ingredients. Some folks are sensitive to glycerine, which is a common lubricant ingredient. And for the more “natural” lubes, aloe is becoming more common…which is great unless you’re either allergic or have endometriosis. (Aloe exacerbates the symptoms of endo, so you’ll end up having more painful sex.) Water-based lubes are excellent for vaginal penetration and play well with pretty much all toys and condoms.

💦 Silicone Lubes — If you’re into water play (shower sex, hot tub sex, sex in the neighbor’s pool…), silicone lube will be your friend! Since silicone is a larger molecule than water, it doesn’t dissipate in water the way a water-based lube will. That said, you’ll want to be careful with silicone lubes and toys. Silicone likes to be a liquid, so when it meets another silicone, it often liquifies. And you do not want your toy to liquify inside your body. (Some toy manufacturers formulate their own silicone lubes to be safe with their toys, and if you purchase toys and silicone lube from the links I provide, that’s the case there. But if you’re buying a silicone toy from one company and a silicone lube from another, you may have an unpleasant experience. I’d advise against it.) Silicone is also the best lube for anal play because it doesn’t absorb into the body like a water-based lube will, which means you’ll have the slippery consistency much longer. (Why is that okay, but petroleum isn’t? That has to do with the formulation and molecular structure. Silicone lube is designed to be inserted and easily dispelled by our tissues.) Some silicone lubes are condom compatible, while others aren’t. So you’ll want to read the bottle on that.

💦 Water-Silicone Blended Lubes — These are formulated to be safer for toys and condoms, while maintaining a bit more slip than a water-only lube will.

💦 Cream Lubes — These aren’t cream-based. We’re not putting dairy in our vaginas, folks. (Yes, that also needs to be said.) This is generally a water-based formula. Read the ingredients.

💦 Sensation-Enhancing Lubricants — These get a lot of hype, but do they live up to it? That depends. If you’re already pretty sensitive, this may end up being more of a painful experience than anything else. My advice: If you want to venture into this territory, try it on your own first so you know what to expect when partnered. (Also, not all sensation-enhancing products are lubricants. DO NOT MIX THEM UP. Trust me.) Generally toy-safe, though not necessarily condom compatible. Read the packaging on that one.

💦 Flavored Lubricants — This can also create a painful experience for some folks. Or an itchy experience. If your genitals are made of steel, you’ll probably be okay. But if not, give this a whirl during a non-sexy time first and see what happens after a few days. Also generally safe, though not always great for condoms, so read the bottle.

Hopefully this is helpful for you and guides you to a more pleasurable lubrication experience!

I always recommend reading the ingredients of your lube, no matter what. If you could remove your nail polish or de-ice a plane with it, maybe don’t use it on your genitals. 🙃

Did I miss a type of lube? Email me and let me know! 🔥


💖 SELF-CAREIn this segment, I combine my background as a massage therapist with my training as a coach to offer you tips for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. My personal recommendation for physical movement is the Pilates-based mat work offered by Tandy Gutierrez. Not only has Tandy’s work helped me navigate living in an auto-immune body, but over the years, this has helped me more than anything else to heal my nervous system. Check out her Unicorn Wellness Studio HERE.

Since we’re talking about the ingredients your lube is made of, let’s take that concept out further to your skin.

I’m not an aesthetician, and I’m certainly not qualified to tell you what products to use. But I have worked with a lot of aestheticians, and here’s a quick tip I picked up.

How you layer your skincare products greatly determines how well they’ll work for you (if at all) based on what they’re made of.

You don’t have to dig deep into the ingredient lists, though. You just have to know if the product is water-based or oil-based.

When layering your skincare products, you always want to put water-based products closer to your skin, with oil-based products on top. (And finishing with sunscreen, obviously, when it’s your daytime products.)

Because oil will create a bit of a seal effect. So if you put it on first, the water-based products won’t be able to get through the oil layer. You’ll essentially be wasting product because whatever you think the water-based product is supposed to do, it’s not even touching your skin.

But because of that seal, if you put the water-based products on first, the oil will allow it to sink in more deeply rather than evaporate. So it’ll actually help the water-based product to work better.

So give a glance to the ingredients of your skincare and play around with the order in which you apply the products. If you’ve been putting oil on, then water, switch it up and see if you notice a difference in the effectiveness of what you’re already using. 💖

💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸

💸 SALESAgain, I sold sex toys for 12 years. In the direct sales industry. I was fucking good at it. I earned a ton of incentives. And I trained hundreds of other women how to do the same thing. Now, I’ve taken my experience from that career, my experience with a brick-and-mortar massage practice with massage membership sales, and from building my coaching practice to develop a sales and business membership community to help other entrepreneurs redefine their relationship to sales, systems, and strategy so they can grow in a sustainable way. In this segment, I’m offering all my entrepreneurial love bugs a sales tip. Skip this part if it doesn’t apply to you. And if it does? Get my free 7-day course to find and hone your authentic sales voice at

Pleasure, fun, and ease can be an effective foundation for a business plan.

Granted, there are parts of entrepreneurship that are hard. Which parts are hard is not universal. Sometimes it’s mostly mindset. Sometimes it’s mostly skill set. Sometimes it’s a combination of both.

But if you’re MAKING things hard for yourself, on top of what’s going to be hard already about entrepreneurship for you, you’re not doing yourself any favors.

Struggle cycles are often self-generated, and it’s not always possible to break them (or even see them) from the inside.

This is why hiring a business coach is such a valuable investment.

Having someone skilled at holding space for your struggle cycles, seeing the patterns, and holding them up to you for you to see is useful in every area of your life. And in your business, it’s one of the places the transformational effect of such work can be really tangible.

So when you’re considering your next business move, if you’re doing it from within your habituated struggle cycles, I encourage you to reconsider.

Hire a coach.

Though the doors are currently closed for SellingU, I do have a couple of spots open for my 1:1 list. And I’d love to talk with you about working together.

Email me or book a consult call to see if we’re a good fit. 💸


✨ SPELLBecause this newsletter is sent out in conjunction with the lunar cycles, this segment offers you a moon ritual. Prior to all the stuff listed above, I studied art history as a way to develop an understanding of world religions. Since childhood, I’ve been on a spiritual journey to develop my own relationship to the divine. In no way do I have any interest in telling you what to believe or not believe. That’s for you. It’s personal. And for me, it’s cyclical. My spiritual practices have changed my relationship to time in such a beautiful way that I want to offer you a bit of that shift here by recognizing the cycles of the moon in order to hand you an opportunity to incorporate cyclical time into your experience of life. I work with many spiritual mentors, and ritualized practices are incorporated into the foundation of Project Reclamation—my equity-centered membership community—as well as the Reclamation Weekend retreats I host. And when you joined this email list, you received a Reclamation ritual from me. Again, I don’t care what you believe in or don’t believe in. Paying attention to the moon will help repair your relationship with time, which capitalism has fucked up for all of us. If you’d like to dive deeper into esoteric spirituality, I recommend checking out the Magical Mentoring program offered by Tandy, who I mentioned in blue above, for her Pilates work. That info is HERE

Across time and culture, the moon has often represented our inner world of emotional connection, spiritual journey, and relationship to self. Aligning myself with the cycles of the moon has offered me the added bonus of shifting my relationship with time. When we allow ourselves the space for rest and renewal, rather than keeping ourselves stuck in the constant hustle & grind mentality of late-stage capitalism, our perspectives on what’s influential, what’s valuable, and what’s worthy of our energy have space to become deeper and more personal. 

We’ve got a new moon bringing about a solar eclipse on Monday, April 8.

Many astrologers and esoteric teachers will tell you not to ritualize the eclipses. They say it’s chaos energy and will only bring chaos to whatever spell you’re trying to cast or whatever you’re trying to manifest.

I don’t subscribe to that, personally. (Nor do I subscribe to the notion that god/the universe ever tries to “test” us in any way.)

But for this eclipse, I’ve eliminated the ritual from this email.


Because I want to encourage you to go outside, and go within.

If you’re anywhere remotely close to the path of totality, the suggestion to go outside (preferably with a pair of eclipse glasses to protect your eyes) is to offer yourself a novel experience. As humans, we crave novelty. So get outside and check out the darkness and shadows in the middle of the daytime!

And the go-within piece? Notice what you experience while you’re outside. Notice the physical sensations — does it get chilly for a moment? Notice the emotional sensations — do you have fun, or feel awe or wonder?

Using moments of novelty to be present with yourself can be a lovely gift. Give this one to yourself on Monday, if it’s available to you. ✨


✊ STATECRAFTPolitics is a not-so-secret passion of mine. I used to run a couple of political organizations here in Kansas City and lobby at the state level in Missouri with Planned Parenthood. The 2016 election is what led me into coaching after I lost my mind and a therapist told me I had “excellent coping skills” because I was focusing all my time and energy on political volunteerism. And in this segment, we might get a little petty. But we’ll always be aiming to reclaim our power from the cis-heteronormative, puritanical, white supremacist patriarchy we currently live under in this hellscape of climate change and late-stage capitalism. Here, I’ll offer suggestions on candidates to donate to, people to follow, podcasts to subscribe to, and answer the question of WHO ARE WE HEXING? (Josh Hawley is always on that list.)

This week, we’re hexing Chris Richards.

Don’t know who he is? That’s fine. He’s not a politician and probably has no impact on your life.

He’s a pop music critic for the Washington Post. He’s a mediocre white man. And he reviewed Beyoncé’s new album, Cowboy Carter with all the nuance one would expect from a mediocre white man criticizing a brilliant, wildly successful Black woman.

Let me be clear about this: I give zero fucks whether or not you enjoy Beyoncé’s previous music. I give zero fucks whether or not you enjoy country music. And I give zero fucks whether or not you enjoy this album.

In fact, I’ve shared nothing of a personal opinion on the album. Why? Because my perspective on it is irrelevant. And, as a white woman, my opinion about anything a Black woman does is tinged with my own internalized white supremacy, as well as the active work I’ve done for years now to dismantle that socialization.

Where all my fucks are directed on this topic is toward the white supremacy that we all (yes, including you) have internalized due to the socialization we’ve received within a white supremacist culture. And how that internalized white supremacy impacts our knee-jerk reactions to the work of all Black artists.

My fucks go to misogynoir — the combination of white supremacy and misogyny that specifically impacts Black women in both direct and indirect ways, in both subtle and overt ways, in both individual and systemic ways.

My fucks go to every single time a white person has said, “I just don’t like it,” with no reflection on whether that vague notion is rooted in their own internalized misogynoir.

Like how every time someone said, “I just don’t like her” about Hillary Clinton running for president, without a reason they could really put their finger on, that vague notion of dislike was rooted in the undercurrent of patriarchal oppression and misogyny. But nobody would have said, “I just don’t think a woman should be president for these very specific reasons…”

And this week, I invite you to examine your own opinions of Cowboy Carter — the fact that it exists, how it’s presented visually, what you’ve heard (or have avoided hearing). Where do those opinions stem from? How are they related to your own socialization or intentional work to dismantle that socialization? 

*This segment is not intended to promote harm to anyone in any way. I don’t hex people in real life. 


That’s it for this week, lovely! I appreciate you offering me space in your day. And I look forward to seeing you fuck some shit up today! ❤️‍🔥



P.S. I want to invite you to Project Reclamation, a private, equitable, self-coaching community, to explore the most expansive version of yourself. Inside, you’ll receive tools for nervous system regulation, emotional processing, and cognitive self-coaching. Plus, you’ll have access to Master Certified Coaches to receive written coaching as well as live coaching via group calls. And you’ll be able to join in on an integrated book club, as well as both virtual and in-person community celebrations. 

Maybe life coaching has felt out of reach for you in the past, as it’s often relegated to those hoarding enough wealth to be bored. But self-discovery doesn’t actually come in Tiffany boxes, and it is my goal to make healing and growth accessible to everyone. 

Inside this space, we’re committed to reclaiming our bodies, our time, our joy, and our lives from all the cultural conditioning that has left us feeling less than. And we’re doing it in a vibrant, supportive community that is truly open to everyone who shares these values. (Though cis-het white Christian men may struggle a bit.)

Registration is now open, so click the link to join. See you on the inside!

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

I’m SO Glad March Is Over!

I’m SO Glad March Is Over!

How did March treat you?

How did March treat you?

Was it lovely and full of wonderful moments?

If so, this content is not for you. You’re welcome to scroll on past, close it out, and pretend it never crossed your feed.

For me, March was pretty fucking terrible. And if your March sucked, too, I want to offer you the reflection work I’m doing to cultivate some self-compassion as we begin April. 

My March began with illness, ended with illness, and in the middle, there was death. 

I decided I hated something I was doing. 

The end-of-the-month illness meant that my partner and I had to cancel every activity we had planned for her 40th birthday. (And the makeup date for her birthday party was a flop.)

And I started an emotional journey that’s absolutely certain to be incredibly difficult. While it’ll be beneficial in the long run, I’m for sure dreading the work itself. 

Not every moment of March was awful. My partner’s actual birthday was pretty lovely. And I hosted a retreat for my SellingU Mastermind clients, which is one of my favorite parts of my business. 

So there were glimpses of joy. But as an overall month? I’d like to never repeat this one, please. 

But why am I offering you the self-compassion work I’m doing? Why am I cultivating self-compassion at all?

Because, like many of us, I was socialized into patterns of perfectionism and people-pleasing that lead to self-criticism if left unchecked. 

And blaming, criticizing, or shaming myself is not going to lead to me showing up the way I want to. Like, literally ever. 

So I’m sharing this practice since the same is true for you. (Don’t argue. If being hard on yourself worked, it would’ve worked by now.) 

Here are the kinds of questions I’m NOT asking about March:

🚫 Why did this happen to me?

🚫 What did I do wrong/what’s wrong with me to have brought this on myself?

🚫 Why does god/the universe/whatever else hate/test me?

Here’s what I’m asking myself instead:

💕 In what ways did I care for myself?

💅 Where did I create or uphold boundaries?

🥳 At what points did I show up fully?

Ask yourself these questions and see what you notice. How do the answers feel different from the answers you normally get from the questions you normally ask? (If the answers feel shitty, get softer and ask again.)

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

It’s Friday! Let’s F*ck Some Sh*t Up Together!

Happy Friday, lovely! It’s time to fuck some shit up!

Happy Friday, lovely! It’s time to fuck some shit up! 

Twice a month, in accordance with the lunar cycles, we gather in circle here and in your inbox for a salaciously good time. We talk sex, self-care, and reclaiming what has always been ours via ritualized practices and hexing shitty politicians. And for my entrepreneurial babes out there, you’re getting a little bonus sales tip, too. 

Why? Because I want to combine everything in my varied background into one place to offer my highest and greatest good to you. Take what resonates. Leave the rest. 


🔥 SEXIn this segment, I hand you a little tip to keep your sexual health in line or spice up your bedroom. Why? Because I sold sex toys for 12 years and received training from some of the best sexologists in the world. Any products mentioned are available HERE.

Spit is not lube.

Yes, that needs to be said.

And using a lube is actually REALLY beneficial to a lot of people.

Not everyone! Some folks produce more natural lubrication than they need, so lube can diminish sensation. But if you’re not in that small population, chances are pretty good that using the right lube could enhance your pleasure.

I’ve often heard — from people of all genders — that they believe there to be a “problem” of some kind if your vagina isn’t producing an adequate amount of lubrication.

That’s not actually true.

There are a variety of factors that are at play to determine how much lubrication your body naturally produces — medications, hormonal cycles, hydration, stress level, amount and quality of sleep.

And as we head into spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere, please hear me when I say this: If you experience seasonal allergies and you take allergy medication to dry out your drippy sinuses, guess the fuck what? That shit’s gonna dry out EVERYTHING ELSE, TOO.

There is no shame in using a lubricant. It does not mean anything is wrong with you, your body, your ability to connect with your partner, or your relationship.

Use a lube. It’ll make your (sex) life better. 🔥


💖 SELF-CAREIn this segment, I combine my background as a massage therapist with my training as a coach to offer you tips for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. My personal recommendation for physical movement is the Pilates-based mat work offered by Tandy Gutierrez. Not only has Tandy’s work helped me navigate living in an auto-immune body, but over the years, this has helped me more than anything else to heal my nervous system. Check out her Unicorn Wellness Studio HERE.

A couple weeks ago, I went live in the Project Reclamation group to share the arsenal of self-care tools I use.

It was a lot. And if you missed it, I definitely recommend searching the group to check it out. I showed the products, gave tips on how to use them, and offered some insight on where to buy some of them.

If you aren’t in Project Reclamation yet, I want to invite you to step inside and check it out. As an equitable offer, I’ve kept it at a super low price point intentionally. (And can only do that because I have other offers at higher price points. The $10/month membership is not yet paying my bills.)

Learn the tools for your own well-being and get the support you deserve for your own self-exploration and personal development. Accessibly. 💖

💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸

💸 SALESAgain, I sold sex toys for 12 years. In the direct sales industry. I was fucking good at it. I earned a ton of incentives. And I trained hundreds of other women how to do the same thing. Now, I’ve taken my experience from that career, my experience with a brick-and-mortar massage practice with massage membership sales, and from building my coaching practice to develop a sales and business membership community to help other entrepreneurs redefine their relationship to sales, systems, and strategy so they can grow in a sustainable way. In this segment, I’m offering all my entrepreneurial love bugs a sales tip. Skip this part if it doesn’t apply to you. And if it does? Get my free 7-day course to find and hone your authentic sales voice at

If you’ve been considering joining SellingU, at either the community or mastermind level, you need to get on it.

Seriously. The curriculum starts Wednesday, March 27. As in, less than a week from now.

That means the doors close that day. And it’ll be another year before you can receive the structured sales training, supportive community structure, and guided leadership that you only get inside SellingU.

When you join our community (or mastermind), you get a soft place to land. You get a built-in network. You get non-punitive accountability. You get strategy AND coaching, mindset AND skill set, theory AND practical application. And I hold your hand the whole way.

I’m not going to ask you to apply for a consult at this point, because I’m celebrating my partner’s birthday this weekend and I don’t work Mondays. So Tuesday will be the first opportunity I have to go through new applications and we start Wednesday.

Instead, either email or DM me, and we’ll set up a time to talk on Tuesday or Wednesday if you want a call. Or we can just email/DM to make sure you get the info you need to make a solid decision.

But for real. You deserve what this program offers. And this is the last opportunity you’ll have to take part in it until spring 2025. Don’t put your business success off for another year. 💸


✨ SPELLBecause this newsletter is sent out in conjunction with the lunar cycles, this segment offers you a moon ritual. Prior to all the stuff listed above, I studied art history as a way to develop an understanding of world religions. Since childhood, I’ve been on a spiritual journey to develop my own relationship to the divine. In no way do I have any interest in telling you what to believe or not believe. That’s for you. It’s personal. And for me, it’s cyclical. My spiritual practices have changed my relationship to time in such a beautiful way that I want to offer you a bit of that shift here by recognizing the cycles of the moon in order to hand you an opportunity to incorporate cyclical time into your experience of life. I work with many spiritual mentors, and ritualized practices are incorporated into the foundation of Project Reclamation—my equity-centered membership community—as well as the Reclamation Weekend retreats I host. And when you joined this email list, you received a Reclamation ritual from me. Again, I don’t care what you believe in or don’t believe in. Paying attention to the moon will help repair your relationship with time, which capitalism has fucked up for all of us. If you’d like to dive deeper into esoteric spirituality, I recommend checking out the Magical Mentoring program offered by Tandy, who I mentioned in blue above, for her Pilates work. That info is HERE

Across time and culture, the moon has often represented our inner world of emotional connection, spiritual journey, and relationship to self. Aligning myself with the cycles of the moon has offered me the added bonus of shifting my relationship with time. When we allow ourselves the space for rest and renewal, rather than keeping ourselves stuck in the constant hustle & grind mentality of late-stage capitalism, our perspectives on what’s influential, what’s valuable, and what’s worthy of our energy have space to become deeper and more personal. 

This week, I’m offering you a full moon ritual to hand you a little piece of that.

This doesn’t have to take a long time. The idea is to be present with yourself and focused on your full experience during the ritual. Pay attention to the sensations you feel during the ritual and make note of them afterward. I’d love to hear about your experience if you’d like to share!


The full moon is an excellent time to release anything you’ve been holding onto. And this can mean one of two things! Either you’ve been clinging to something that isn’t serving you, and you’re releasing your grip, or you’ve been working toward creating something that you’re now ready to release into the world. Whichever option resonates most with you, that’s where to focus your energy for this ritual.

Supplies: paper, pen, candle, some sort of non-flammable receptacle (actual cauldron, metal, glass, or ceramic bowl or pot, fire pit outside, the base of a grill — you’re gonna burn some shit up so you want something to let it burn in that’s not going to cause any damage to anything)


  1. Take a few minutes and ground yourself, whatever that means to you – whether that’s a few deep breaths, listening to a guided meditation, washing your face, putting your feet in the grass, masturbating, or anything else. Then light your candle.

  2. Write out what it is that you’d like to release. If this is something you’ve been clinging to that isn’t serving you, and you’re releasing your grip on it, fold the paper in half AWAY from your body. If it’s something you’ve been working on and are releasing into the world, fold the paper in half TOWARD your body.

  3. Light the paper on fire and let it burn in your non-flammable receptacle. 

BONUS: If you want to mix the burnt ashes with salt and/or offer them back to the earth by sprinkling them around outside or burying them under the moon, go for it!


On Monday, March 25, we’ll have a full moon eclipse in Libra. And while some folks (myself included) are down to work with eclipse energies, many will advise against it because they tend to be chaotic and unpredictable.

If you’re one to sit the eclipses out, you can still use this as an opportunity for some ritualized self-care. And I absolutely recommend that.

If, however, you want to embrace the chaos, this might be a useful time to consider what you need to release with regard to your partnerships.

Whether or not you choose to work with the unpredictability of this eclipse, if you’re doing a ritual of any kind, I’d love to know about it! Email me or tag me in a social post to share your ritualized practice with me. 


✊ STATECRAFTPolitics is a not-so-secret passion of mine. I used to run a couple of political organizations here in Kansas City and lobby at the state level in Missouri with Planned Parenthood. The 2016 election is what led me into coaching after I lost my mind and a therapist told me I had “excellent coping skills” because I was focusing all my time and energy on political volunteerism. And in this segment, we might get a little petty. But we’ll always be aiming to reclaim our power from the cis-heteronormative, puritanical, white supremacist patriarchy we currently live under in this hellscape of climate change and late-stage capitalism. Here, I’ll offer suggestions on candidates to donate to, people to follow, podcasts to subscribe to, and answer the question of WHO ARE WE HEXING? (Josh Hawley is always on that list.)

This week, we’re getting super local to my community and hexing John Sherman, majority owner of the Kansas City Royals.

If you’re in the KC area, you know we vote on April 2 on the sales tax regarding the Royals moving their stadium from the K to a thriving neighborhood in the Crossroads.

One of the arguments of benefits is to point to the development of the Sprint Center (now T-Mobile Center) and Power & Light District, and allllll the great things that brought to the downtown area.

And that’s true! Because at the time of that development, there wasn’t a lot happening downtown.

The Crossroads, though? That’s an already well-established arts and entertainment district.

No, the idea that the arts district is to the west of the proposed area is not correct. How do I know? Because I used to live in the middle of the proposed area and walked outside my front door to attend First Fridays every month, and I’ve attended many times since moving to other parts of the city. That is absolutely false information. The arts district is actively in the proposed area AND to the west. It takes up a lot of space. Again — it’s well-established and thriving. The proposed ballpark? It would kill all of that.

It may sound like I’m anti-downtown ballpark, in general. I’m not. But the current proposal is absurd, and draped in a lot of fantasy.

Will the new stadium bring a bunch of NEW commerce into the city? Will it create a bunch of NEW jobs? Will it expand upon the desirability of KC as a tourist destination?

I don’t think so. All the information being put out to indicate all of that will happen is extremely speculative and there’s not a grounded way to prove any of it.

For more info on the details, this video is pretty helpful.

With regard to the generality of a downtown ballpark, there are blighted areas not far from the proposed district. That’s what P&L and the Sprint Center took over. That could be helpful. What they’re currently proposing? Nah. Miss me with all of that.

If you’re in the voting area, please vote no on April 2. And if you’re not, please direct your hexation to John Sherman to support that no vote. 

*This segment is not intended to promote harm to anyone in any way. I don’t hex people in real life. 


That’s it for this week, lovely! I appreciate you offering me space in your day. And I look forward to seeing you fuck some shit up today! ❤️‍🔥



P.S. I want to invite you to Project Reclamation, a private, equitable, self-coaching community, to explore the most expansive version of yourself. Inside, you’ll receive tools for nervous system regulation, emotional processing, and cognitive self-coaching. Plus, you’ll have access to Master Certified Coaches to receive written coaching as well as live coaching via group calls. And you’ll be able to join in on an integrated book club, as well as both virtual and in-person community celebrations. 

Maybe life coaching has felt out of reach for you in the past, as it’s often relegated to those hoarding enough wealth to be bored. But self-discovery doesn’t actually come in Tiffany boxes, and it is my goal to make healing and growth accessible to everyone. 

Inside this space, we’re committed to reclaiming our bodies, our time, our joy, and our lives from all the cultural conditioning that has left us feeling less than. And we’re doing it in a vibrant, supportive community that is truly open to everyone who shares these values. (Though cis-het white Christian men may struggle a bit.)

Registration is now open, so click the link to join. See you on the inside!

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

Reclaiming the Marketing “Client Avatar”

Reclaiming the Marketing “Client Avatar”

You don’t need an avatar.

You don’t need an avatar. 

If you’re in any kind of entrepreneurial space, I know you’ve seen the concept of the “Client Avatar” floating around. And there are people who SWEAR by the avatar. 

They will tell you that you can’t market or sell anything without an avatar. 

But here’s what I’d like to offer you: That’s bullshit. 

It’s truly one (of many) of my least favorite holdovers from old-school advertising that has made its way into content marketing. 

OH! And something else I hate: 


Seriously! You’re not going to walk around and poke a random stranger’s bruise. So stop falsely generating pain in your marketing in order to manipulate that painful emotional state. It’s gross. 

Ok, but back to the avatar. 

Back in the day, when there were five channels on TV, and everybody was watching the same shit at the same time, having an avatar was really helpful. Because it allowed a company to hone in on the vague generalities of demographics that would bring an extremely large audience together, they could evoke an amalgamation of those nonspecific commonalities to generate a caricature for the foundation of their storylines in commercials. 

Today, you need to get really fucking specific in order to land with your exact ideal client. Because vague generalities ain’t it. 

The options are limitless and we are not all watching the same thing. Ever. Let alone at the same time. 

So putting out marketing content that’s only vaguely connecting with your audience on the level of an amalgamated caricature means they’re going to scroll on past, IF the algorithm even drops you in their feed. 

You’ve got to get specific. 

Specificity is where people THINK an avatar is helpful. They think a generalized caricature is going to help you with specificity. (And, listen, if that works for you, great. Keep doing what you’re doing.)

But I’d like to offer you an alternative. 

When you’re creating your content — whether it’s written or spoken — talk directly to someone you know. 

Who in your life — past or present — could benefit from your message? ← Talk to THAT person. 

This may be a former co-worker. It may be your child. It may be your parent. It may even be a past version of yourself. (I often use “me 3 years ago” as my avatar alternative.)

Getting really specific with who you’re talking to allows your message to land for everyone with the same need, desire, or problem. Even if there are slight differences. Even if their demographics aren’t similar at all. 

It’s specificity, not generalizations, that makes your content land. So get specific. And drop the avatar. 

When you’re ready to get some assistance on the specificity of your offer, your ideal client, your messaging, and everything else that goes into your sales and marketing, I’d love to work with you. 

The curriculum for SellingU begins Wednesday, March 27. We have a lifetime community membership for a guided DIY approach. And we have an in-depth mastermind level for more individualized attention and support. 

Apply for a consult (not to gate-keep, but to tell me a little about your business so I have an idea of what you do when we get on the call), and we’ll get together on Zoom to go over details and get your questions answered. The application is at 

I look forward to seeing the specificity in your marketing evolve!

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

It’s Friday! Let’s F*ck Some Sh*t Up Together!

Happy Friday, lovely! It’s time to fuck some shit up!

Happy Friday, lovely! It’s time to fuck some shit up! 

Twice a month, in accordance with the lunar cycles, we gather in circle here and in your inbox for a salaciously good time. We talk sex, self-care, and reclaiming what has always been ours via ritualized practices and hexing shitty politicians. And for my entrepreneurial babes out there, you’re getting a little bonus sales tip, too. 

Why? Because I want to combine everything in my varied background into one place to offer my highest and greatest good to you. Take what resonates. Leave the rest. 


🔥 SEXIn this segment, I hand you a little tip to keep your sexual health in line or spice up your bedroom. Why? Because I sold sex toys for 12 years and received training from some of the best sexologists in the world. Any products mentioned are available HERE.

When is sex over?

This is a question I used to ask my clients back when I sold sex toys. And for heterosexual women, the most common response was, “When he finishes.”

In response to that, on behalf of all queer women, I’d like to offer this: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!

This is some puritanical, patriarchal bullshit if I’ve ever heard it. If your sex life is 100% determined by your partner’s needs/drives/desires and bodily functions, we need to have a little chat.

Where are YOU in that?

What if YOU got to determine when sex is over, based on YOUR OWN criteria, and it wasn’t the nonsense porn is based on?

Consider the concept of when sex is over. Ask yourself that question and see what determining factors you’d like to use if it’s not exclusively about when your partner gets off.

You’ll thank me for this exercise. Promise. 🔥


💖 SELF-CAREIn this segment, I combine my background as a massage therapist with my training as a coach to offer you tips for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. My personal recommendation for physical movement is the Pilates-based mat work offered by Tandy Gutierrez. Not only has Tandy’s work helped me navigate living in an auto-immune body, but over the years, this has helped me more than anything else to heal my nervous system. Check out her Unicorn Wellness Studio HERE.

Let’s talk about grief. That’s a fun topic, right?

What does it feel like for you? (Do you even know? Or have you spent so much time and energy resisting grief any time it comes up that what you actually feel is the mountain of emotional resistance ON TOP of grief, and not the grief itself?)

For me, grief feels like gripping in my chest and heaviness in my gut. It’s hard and dark and brings with it waves of nausea, throat constriction, and tears.

You know the saying, “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” Grief is an example of that. Grief itself is painful. But what makes it worse is the suffering we create for ourselves within that mountain of emotional resistance.

Pain is part of the human experience, and if we allow ourselves to feel the pain WITHOUT MAKING IT WORSE FOR OURSELVES, we can get through it more easily and fluidly.

I was having a conversation with a couple of friends one time. One was going through something hard. The other said, “You don’t deserve to feel that.” And I stepped in with vehement disagreement. She did deserve to feel the pain of that moment. AND she deserved to have tools to help her navigate it and support to bolster her through it.

We all deserve to be equipped with the capabilities to navigate life’s painful moments so that we can get through them as fluidly as possible instead of creating our own suffering with emotional resistance.

If you’re in a moment of pain right now, grief or otherwise, I’d like to offer you a set of tools to help you navigate it and a community of support inside Project Reclamation. I built it for you. 💖

💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸

💸 SALESAgain, I sold sex toys for 12 years. In the direct sales industry. I was fucking good at it. I earned a ton of incentives. And I trained hundreds of other women how to do the same thing. Now, I’ve taken my experience from that career, my experience with a brick-and-mortar massage practice with massage membership sales, and from building my coaching practice to develop a sales and business membership community to help other entrepreneurs redefine their relationship to sales, systems, and strategy so they can grow in a sustainable way. In this segment, I’m offering all my entrepreneurial love bugs a sales tip. Skip this part if it doesn’t apply to you. And if it does? Get my free 7-day course to find and hone your authentic sales voice at

If your business can’t survive when life happens, you need to make some big changes. And you deserve to have support in place to help you make them.

My cat died on Monday. She was 19. So I’ve been a mess pretty much all week. And I’m in the middle of the SellingU launch.

According to my launch plan, I’m supposed to be posting on multiple social media platforms 3-5x per day and selling in stories 3x per week this week.

I’ve done none of that, and instead, I’ve been allowing myself space to grieve.

I know my launch plan is solid. But if taking the time to care for myself means it doesn’t hit the goals I set, I also know my business will be okay.

Why? Because I’ve built in multiple revenue streams, each of which stands on its own. I have systems in place for things that need to run in my absence to do so. I work 3 ½ days a week and take time off when I need to.

Your business does not have to look like mine, but it needs to be able to sustainably support you. Financially and otherwise. And if that’s not the case, I want to help you.

Fill out the application for a consult, and we’ll talk about SellingU. You deserve it. Your business deserves it. And your clients deserve to have you showing up as your best, most supported self. Curriculum begins March 27. 💸


✨ SPELLBecause this newsletter is sent out in conjunction with the lunar cycles, this segment offers you a moon ritual. Prior to all the stuff listed above, I studied art history as a way to develop an understanding of world religions. Since childhood, I’ve been on a spiritual journey to develop my own relationship to the divine. In no way do I have any interest in telling you what to believe or not believe. That’s for you. It’s personal. And for me, it’s cyclical. My spiritual practices have changed my relationship to time in such a beautiful way that I want to offer you a bit of that shift here by recognizing the cycles of the moon in order to hand you an opportunity to incorporate cyclical time into your experience of life. I work with many spiritual mentors, and ritualized practices are incorporated into the foundation of Project Reclamation—my equity-centered membership community—as well as the Reclamation Weekend retreats I host. And when you joined this email list, you received a Reclamation ritual from me. Again, I don’t care what you believe in or don’t believe in. Paying attention to the moon will help repair your relationship with time, which capitalism has fucked up for all of us. If you’d like to dive deeper into esoteric spirituality, I recommend checking out the Magical Mentoring program offered by Tandy, who I mentioned in blue above, for her Pilates work. That info is HERE

Across time and culture, the moon has often represented our inner world of emotional connection, spiritual journey, and relationship to self. Aligning myself with the cycles of the moon has offered me the added bonus of shifting my relationship with time. When we allow ourselves the space for rest and renewal, rather than keeping ourselves stuck in the constant hustle & grind mentality of late-stage capitalism, our perspectives on what’s influential, what’s valuable, and what’s worthy of our energy have space to become deeper and more personal. 

This week, I’m offering you a new moon ritual to hand you a little piece of that.

This doesn’t have to take a long time. The idea is to be present with yourself and focused on your full experience during the ritual. Pay attention to the sensations you feel during the ritual and make note of them afterward. I’d love to hear about your experience if you’d like to share!


The new moon is an excellent time to focus on what you want to create, achieve, or accomplish. You can get fancy with your rituals, and if you’re into altar work, crystal work, or any other kind of spiritual work, please feel free to incorporate it. Personally, I like to keep things simple. 

Supplies: paper, pen, glass of water that you’ll drink


  1. Take a few minutes and ground yourself, whatever that means to you – whether that’s a few deep breaths, listening to a guided meditation, washing your face, putting your feet in the grass, masturbating, or anything else.

  2. Write out what it is you want to create, achieve, or accomplish. This can be big or small. It can be for the lunar cycle beginning with this new moon, the next six months, the next calendar year, or a lifelong dream.

  3. Read what you’ve written—out loud—over your glass of water. Then drink the water.

Sunday, we have the new moon in Pisces. Many folks will tell you this is the last opportunity to work with the moon for the next couple of months due to eclipse season opening up. I have a different view of that, but we’ll talk about it in a couple of weeks.

This is the last new moon of the astrological/zodiacal year. So it’s a lovely opportunity to reflect upon the last 12 months and consider what it is you’d like to create for the next 12 months.

The astrological/zodiacal calendar begins in the spring for the northern hemisphere and autumn for the southern hemisphere. And it has always made a hell of a lot more sense to me than the Gregorian calendar. I mean, come on! January?! No, thank you. That makes no sense. I’ll keep abiding by that for the IRS. But otherwise, Aries season and the equinox are my new year.

If you’ve not taken the opportunity to download my Reclaiming Reflection guide, I’d like to offer it here for you. (And if you have, let’s go ahead and whip that sucker out again.) Make it part of this new moon ritual. Give yourself the gift of reflection as we enter the “true” new year.✨


✊ STATECRAFTPolitics is a not-so-secret passion of mine. I used to run a couple of political organizations here in Kansas City and lobby at the state level in Missouri with Planned Parenthood. The 2016 election is what led me into coaching after I lost my mind and a therapist told me I had “excellent coping skills” because I was focusing all my time and energy on political volunteerism. And in this segment, we might get a little petty. But we’ll always be aiming to reclaim our power from the cis-heteronormative, puritanical, white supremacist patriarchy we currently live under in this hellscape of climate change and late-stage capitalism. Here, I’ll offer suggestions on candidates to donate to, people to follow, podcasts to subscribe to, and answer the question of WHO ARE WE HEXING? (Josh Hawley is always on that list.)

I haven’t had the energy to keep up with all the bullshit this week. (And there’s SO much bullshit!)

Instead, I’d like to ask YOU: Who seems most hex-worthy this week?

Reply to this email and let me know who’s on your list, so I can hex them, too! Maybe I’ll send the list out next week, and we can all create a collective eclipse-season hex and cause chaos for them all. 😜

*This segment is not intended to promote harm to anyone in any way. I don’t hex people in real life. 


That’s it for this week, lovely! I appreciate you offering me space in your day. And I look forward to seeing you fuck some shit up today! ❤️‍🔥



P.S. I want to invite you to Project Reclamation, a private, equitable, self-coaching community, to explore the most expansive version of yourself. Inside, you’ll receive tools for nervous system regulation, emotional processing, and cognitive self-coaching. Plus, you’ll have access to Master Certified Coaches to receive written coaching as well as live coaching via group calls. And you’ll be able to join in on an integrated book club, as well as both virtual and in-person community celebrations. 

Maybe life coaching has felt out of reach for you in the past, as it’s often relegated to those hoarding enough wealth to be bored. But self-discovery doesn’t actually come in Tiffany boxes, and it is my goal to make healing and growth accessible to everyone. 

Inside this space, we’re committed to reclaiming our bodies, our time, our joy, and our lives from all the cultural conditioning that has left us feeling less than. And we’re doing it in a vibrant, supportive community that is truly open to everyone who shares these values. (Though cis-het white Christian men may struggle a bit.)

Registration is now open, so click the link to join. See you on the inside!

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

Reclaiming Success

Reclaiming Success

How do you define success?

How do you define success?

That’s a big question. And it spans many areas of life. So it may be difficult to answer. But let’s break it down: 

We’ll start with career. How do you define career success?

💸 For a lot of folks, it’s climbing a ladder of some kind — corporate, non-profit, academic, or otherwise. 

💸 For some, it’s hitting a certain salary level.

💸 For others, it’s still money, but related to how much money they’ll have available to them upon retirement. 

💸 But what happens when the systems and structures change, so the ladders aren’t accessible (if available at all), wages have stagnated, and markets are inflated such that retirement isn’t an option for many, even with the once-seemingly comfortable salary?

If we shift focus to intimate partnerships, how would you define relationship success?

💘 For a lot of folks, a relationship is deemed successful when it results in marriage. 

💘 And to take that a step further, a marriage is successful when it only ends because one partner passes away. 

💘 So, by this logic, in order for a relationship to be seen as successful, it must lead to marriage and end in death. Anything else is a failure. (And, of course, there are monogamous cis-heteronormative undertones, overtones, and all other tones baked in. With no regard to even basic mutual respect.)

Or how about parenting? What does parenting success look like?

🚸 Throughout my life, I’ve often heard my friends’ parents say things along the lines of knowing they’ve succeeded as parents when their kids have chosen “good” career paths. 

🚸 And now I hear my friends (none of whom have exclusively fully grown adult children) question their parenting when their kid gets in trouble at school, or think they’re bad parents when they can’t attend EVERY SINGLE school event. 

🚸 And all of that boils down to the idea that you’re allowed to believe you’ve been a successful parent when your kid is perfect and adheres to peak capitalism. 

If you’re a business owner, how do you define entrepreneurial success? 

🕴️Many times, I hear the idea that the business will be a success when it hits a certain dollar amount. (And oftentimes, the business owner doesn’t specify whether that’s revenue, or that’s how much they’re able to pay themselves for personal income, or something else.)

🕴️Sometimes, it’s about “breaking even” or having a certain number of clients. 

🕴️Other times, it’s about the business providing for a family, or allowing for someone to retire (though commonly, my clients are women and they talk about retiring the men in their lives without talking about their own retirement.) 

🕴️Occasionally it’s about time itself — if the business makes it to 5 years (or whatever), it will have been a success. 

🕴️And just like with a relationship only being successful when it leads to marriage and ends in death, this only allows a business to be seen as successful when it can pay everyone’s bills and then they die. 

Every single one of these definitions is extremely limiting and based on socialized notions from the puritanical, cis-heteronormative, white supremacist, patriarchal umbrella we live in that leaks down toxic capitalism all over us constantly. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Every single one of these definitions is also optional. None of them are objective truths. There is no rule handed down by any kind of god that dictates the relationship you had for three months wasn’t a smashing success. And no universal declaration stating the gig worker who travels all over the place, but has no 401K isn’t wildly successful. 

What if a career is successful because it’s fulfilling?

What if a relationship is successful because you were connected?

What if you’re a successful parent because you love your children?

What if your business is successful because you created something new in the world?

What if it all is successful because it allowed you to learn about yourself and the world around you?

And to take that further: What if your life has been successful simply because you’ve lived it?

That’s a lot of questions. I know. And maybe some of these are already solid for you. But if any of them have been sticking points for you, I’d love to invite you to spend two or three minutes writing down what comes up in response. 

The truth is that you get to define success for yourself. 

And if you’d like some help on that definition, DM me. Let’s talk about it.

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

Reclaiming Client Celebrations

Reclaiming Client Celebrations

Today, I want to celebrate some of the incredible transformational experiences my clients have had during our work together.

Today, I want to celebrate some of the incredible transformational experiences my clients have had during our work together.


These aren’t testimonials my clients have sent me in response to some leading questions about our work together. Nor are they pieces of information anyone has asked to be shared for the purpose of marketing and selling “working with me.” (No shade against testimonials. I use them. This just isn’t that.) 

This isn’t about me at all. 

It’s a moment for us to celebrate the astounding accomplishments these women have achieved. Because they deserve to be celebrated. (Even if they’re anonymized to protect their privacy and retain their rights for consent.) 

So, what are these transformations we’re celebrating? 

🎉 The woman who recovered from bulimia, started coaching others on their own recovery journey, and then decided to go back to school for psychology so she could help them more thoroughly. 

🎉 The artist who was told her whole life that she was “weird” as a derogatory term, who feared that her “weirdness” would lead to severe mental illness like a family member had suffered. She embraced her “weirdness” and learned to love herself unconditionally, incorporating it all into really beautiful artwork. 

🎉 The physiotherapist who dreamed of operating a private practice but didn’t believe she would ever be good enough, who stopped consuming course after course and learned to trust her own expertise to open her business. 

🎉 The landscape architect who has been working tirelessly to ensure the governmental organization she works for is promoting equity in their internal structures as well as their designs. She communicates with indigenous communities to ensure honor. She strives to make everything she touches better. And she’s currently doing something new — taking some time off to tend to herself. 

🎉 The Australian woman who dramatically improved the quality of her intimate partnership by having the difficult conversation about ethical non-monogamy, showing up as her full self within the relationship and allowing their partnership to expand in new and exciting ways. 

🎉 The lawyer who was riddled with anxiety because she had gotten to the top by making work her main priority and didn’t know how to “care less” in order to prioritize her family without jeopardizing her livelihood. She now “doesn’t care” about work (quotes because those are her words), having clear boundaries around what she will and won’t do, as well as when she will and won’t work. She prioritizes her family and is far more present with her husband and children. (And she’s still doing excellent work…just without all the anxiety!)

🎉 The East Coast woman who developed the courage to work with a trauma therapist for EMDR to heal some big wounds from her past. She went on to also consult her doctor about HRT for perimenopause symptoms rather than forcing herself to “suffer through.” And now she’s restructuring her schedule to better work with her body and her brain, rather than continuing to shove herself into a patriarchal, capitalistic box that her industry designed (which realistically works for no one). 

🎉 The coach who’s literally leaving her job this week because she has signed enough clients to make the finances work with what she’s saved. She’ll be focusing on filling her 1:1 books over the next couple of months (and given her email and consult call conversion rates that we just talked about last night, I’m confident they’ll fill up pretty quickly!)

🎉 The accountant whose former boss would use manipulation and other abusive tactics (including withholding paychecks). She built up the strength and courage to not only leave that job, but start her own (now THRIVING) accounting business that honors her values.

🎉 The sexologist who has not only proven to herself that she can sell her offers as a sex coach, but has found a way to incorporate her fondness for romance novels into her business as a smut consultant. She’s offering her expertise to ensure sex positivity from the angles of consent (of course), but also racial and gender equity, how bodies actually work, and whether or not what’s written would actually be possible…or pleasurable. 

 🎉 The environmentalist running a reforestation organization who has been writing stories for her daughter for the last couple of years and developed the courage to publish her first in a series of children's books about environmental activism. 

🎉 The photographer who — after a decade in business, struggling with time and money — was able to clear her first $100k year with EASE and enough time to pursue a new passion of weight lifting (and went on to some incredibly impressive competition wins).

🎉 The midwestern mom who wanted to ensure she wasn’t passing on generational trauma and instead has been actively working — through both talk therapy and coaching — to break cycles. She shows up to hold space for and encourage her son to feel and process the full range of human emotions. And offers an example of what it looks like to do so in adulthood by holding the same space for herself. 

🎉 The marketing consultant who felt misaligned with the work she was doing and realized she needed to be using her vast knowledge of tarot, astrology, and Human Design in order to create offers that align more than writing email copy ever could

🎉 The engineer who decided to start dating again, a decade after leaving an abusive marriage. She’s having so much fun. And has done an incredible amount of self-love and stability work, so she’s able to have that fun without making this dating experience a referendum on her self-worth. She knows she’s worthy of the relationship she wants. And she’s enjoying the pursuit of finding it.

🎉 The web designer with chronic pain who has learned how to stop hating her body, instead treating it with kindness, gentleness, compassion, and love. She’s developed a work schedule that works for her body. She’s utilizing mobility aids without shame. And she’s reclaiming her ability to live the life she wants to live, in relationship with her body instead of at war with it.

🎉 The certified coach whose training didn’t include anything about how to run a business. She stopped weaponizing her inexperience against herself and decided to get a job to take the financial pressure off of her business, giving herself some breathing room to play and experiment so she can find what works for her. 

🎉 The factory worker who got married because she was chosen, with zero regard to whether or not she would choose her former spouse. (Hello, patriarchy! Hello, puritanism!) She has gotten to a place where she is starting to see that she’s loveable — exactly as she is. And that she gets to be in a relationship that suits her needs and desires, too. 


There are SO MANY OTHERS I could list. And every single one of them is worthy of celebration. 

Why am I sharing these client wins? Because this is the shit I live for. 

I had dinner with some friends a few nights ago and sat across the table from a running coach who was just an acquaintance of mine (but a close friend of a couple who were there). He and I were talking about how almost overwhelming of a joyous experience it is to see someone blow their own mind. 

When a client doesn’t know what they’re capable of and proves to themselves how much MORE they have in them, how much more they ARE than they had previously considered…there’s nothing like it. 

I only imagine this is something akin to how parents feel when their kids do cool shit. I can’t speak to that directly, obviously. 

But the pride I feel FOR my clients when they overcome an obstacle, discover something new about themselves, achieve something beyond what they envisioned, and treat themselves with more love and kindness? That’s unmatched. 

And it’s not from a “Look what I helped them do” or “They couldn’t have done it without me” place. 

The possibility has always existed within them; I didn’t give it to them. They had to find it for themselves; I couldn’t have handed it to them. And there are likely many ways they could have come to it that would have had nothing to do with me. 

And that’s not downplaying or degrading the work I do. I’m an excellent coach. And I help my clients create amazing results for themselves. 

But just like anything they DON’T achieve isn’t my fault, anything they DO isn’t mine to own. 

The wins, the achievements, the barriers broken, the boundaries upheld, the accomplishments, the growth…all of it belongs to them. They deserve to own it.

We all deserve to own those things. And to have them celebrated. 

If you need someone in your corner cheering you on while holding up the hard truths, I’d love to be that for you. 

There are a few ways to work with me. Right now, I’m enrolling for my group sales program, SellingU. The 2024 cohort starts on March 27. If you’re an entrepreneur, this may be exactly the kind of business support you’ve been looking for. 

And if you’re not an entrepreneur, I’ve got other offers that may be more up your alley, both in group and 1:1 settings.

Either way, let’s talk about it! Email me at, and we’ll get your questions answered so you can have your own personal cheerleader.

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

It’s Friday! Let’s F*ck Some Sh*t Up Together!

Happy Friday, lovely! It’s time to fuck some shit up!

Happy Friday, lovely! It’s time to fuck some shit up! 

Twice a month, in accordance with the lunar cycles, we gather in circle here and in your inbox for a salaciously good time. We talk sex, self-care, and reclaiming what has always been ours via ritualized practices and hexing shitty politicians. And for my entrepreneurial babes out there, you’re getting a little bonus sales tip, too. 

Why? Because I want to combine everything in my varied background into one place to offer my highest and greatest good to you. Take what resonates. Leave the rest. 


🔥 SEXIn this segment, I hand you a little tip to keep your sexual health in line or spice up your bedroom. Why? Because I sold sex toys for 12 years and received training from some of the best sexologists in the world. Any products mentioned are available HERE.

What’s the purpose of sex?

Some folks claim it’s for procreation. And, sure, sometimes heterosexual sex can lead to that. But we’re not always banging to make babies. In fact, most of the time, we aren’t. (Plus, that’s rooted in heteronormative, patriarchal, white-supremacist, puritanical socialization that goes back only a few hundred years. It runs deep, but it’s not based in fact.)

So, what’s the purpose?

Often, we go into a sexual experience with the goal of an orgasm — whether that’s an orgasm for you, for your partner(s), or both.

But that’s a pretty limiting goal.

If the goal is for you to have an orgasm, that can be a lot of pressure. And pressure often makes the big O inaccessible.

If the goal is for your partner(s) to have an orgasm, the same can be true in that it can be a lot of pressure for them. But it also disregards your experience and can lead to sex turning into a chore.

Instead, I’d like to offer you a new set of goals to have for your sexual experiences in order to redefine the purpose of sex in your life:
- Experience pleasure in new ways.
- Connect with your partner(s) more deeply.
- Have fun!

Making sex about exploring pleasure and connection opens up new possibilities, while making it about fun releases the pressure.

Some questions to ask yourself the next time you engage in sexual activities that will help you reframe sex for pleasure, connection, and fun:
- What would feel good right now?
- How can this feel better?
- How can I heighten this sensation?
- What would be fun to try?
- What have I always wanted to explore?

Try these on for size and see how it enhances your sex life! 🔥


💖 SELF-CAREIn this segment, I combine my background as a massage therapist with my training as a coach to offer you tips for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. My personal recommendation for physical movement is the Pilates-based mat work offered by Tandy Gutierrez. Not only has Tandy’s work helped me navigate living in an auto-immune body, but over the years, this has helped me more than anything else to heal my nervous system. Check out her Unicorn Wellness Studio HERE.

When was the last time you took time away from the daily grind to replenish yourself?

Really think about it. Was it a bubble bath with the bathroom door locked, earbuds in, and meditative music playing to drown out the kids clamoring for your attention?

Was it a walk outside, where you left your phone at home and let all the notifications go unread for a bit?

Was it a weekend girls’ trip with your besties to a local horse ranch that’s juuuust far enough away to be freeing?

What if I could offer you an opportunity for replenishment with a private retreat custom-built for your ultimate rest and rejuvenation?

Picture it: You and me for a long weekend in Kansas City. Beautiful accommodations. The best food KC has to offer. Coaching, healing, bodywork, energy work, art, music, movement, outdoor spaces… All available. None required. Customized experiences based entirely on YOU. Your needs. Your wants. Your desires. Your current moment in life and where you’re headed next.

When you’re ready for an in-depth 3-day experience away from the day-to-day for your ultimate replenishment, email me.

This is not a public offer
. It’s only available to my current clients and my email list.

We’ll have a consultation to go over your purpose for the private retreat. I’ll plan all the details with your approval (or as a surprise if that’s your jam). You’ll arrive and have everything taken care of. We’ll have a couple of follow-up calls for integration support. And you just might look back on this experience as the moment when everything fell into place.

I look forward to treating you to this custom experience that’s just for you. Email me for more details and to set up your private retreat consultation. 💖

💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸

💸 SALESAgain, I sold sex toys for 12 years. In the direct sales industry. I was fucking good at it. I earned a ton of incentives. And I trained hundreds of other women how to do the same thing. Now, I’ve taken my experience from that career, my experience with a brick-and-mortar massage practice with massage membership sales, and from building my coaching practice to develop a sales and business membership community to help other entrepreneurs redefine their relationship to sales, systems, and strategy so they can grow in a sustainable way. In this segment, I’m offering all my entrepreneurial love bugs a sales tip. Skip this part if it doesn’t apply to you. And if it does? Get my free 7-day course to find and hone your authentic sales voice at

What’s the difference between how you show up for your audience in your marketing and how you show up for your paid clients?

There’s a common view that certain things are saved or reserved for paying clients. In fact, I used to work with someone who would respond to questions via DM by saying, “I only answer questions for my paying clients.”

And while, yes, of course, when you do client-facing work, you want to ensure you have clear boundaries around your time, attention, and energy, I want to offer a vastly different perspective on this idea.

When you treat your audience as if they’re ALREADY your paying clients, you’ll more easily develop the know, like, and trust factor that leads to sales.

This is one of the secrets behind the success of every business I’ve built over the last 20+ years. It’s why I have always developed an extremely loyal clientele. And it’s why I don’t have to work all that hard to pay my bills.

Treating everyone in your orbit as if they’re ALREADY your client also allows you to show up (again, within the boundaries you set) more fully and let go of any grippiness around when/if people buy.

It creates a reciprocal relationship that you don’t have to chase. You show up treating them as if they’re already your client + they show up as if they’re already your client = they become your client without you having to push anything or do any kind of “hard sell” that no one enjoys.

Give this a shot. See how it goes. And when you’re ready to take your client relationships to the next level, sign up for SellingU. (But, like, don’t wait on that too long. The 2024 cohort starts in March.) 💸


✨ SPELLBecause this newsletter is sent out in conjunction with the lunar cycles, this segment offers you a moon ritual. Prior to all the stuff listed above, I studied art history as a way to develop an understanding of world religions. Since childhood, I’ve been on a spiritual journey to develop my own relationship to the divine. In no way do I have any interest in telling you what to believe or not believe. That’s for you. It’s personal. And for me, it’s cyclical. My spiritual practices have changed my relationship to time in such a beautiful way that I want to offer you a bit of that shift here by recognizing the cycles of the moon in order to hand you an opportunity to incorporate cyclical time into your experience of life. I work with many spiritual mentors, and ritualized practices are incorporated into the foundation of Project Reclamation—my equity-centered membership community—as well as the Reclamation Weekend retreats I host. And when you joined this email list, you received a Reclamation ritual from me. Again, I don’t care what you believe in or don’t believe in. Paying attention to the moon will help repair your relationship with time, which capitalism has fucked up for all of us. If you’d like to dive deeper into esoteric spirituality, I recommend checking out the Magical Mentoring program offered by Tandy, who I mentioned in blue above, for her Pilates work. That info is HERE

Across time and culture, the moon has often represented our inner world of emotional connection, spiritual journey, and relationship to self. Aligning myself with the cycles of the moon has offered me the added bonus of shifting my relationship with time. When we allow ourselves the space for rest and renewal, rather than keeping ourselves stuck in the constant hustle & grind mentality of late-stage capitalism, our perspectives on what’s influential, what’s valuable, and what’s worthy of our energy have space to become deeper and more personal. 

This week, I’m offering you a full moon ritual to hand you a little piece of that.

This doesn’t have to take a long time. The idea is to be present with yourself and focused on your full experience during the ritual. Pay attention to the sensations you feel during the ritual and make note of them afterward. I’d love to hear about your experience if you’d like to share!


The full moon is an excellent time to release anything you’ve been holding onto. And this can mean one of two things! Either you’ve been clinging to something that isn’t serving you, and you’re releasing your grip, or you’ve been working toward creating something that you’re now ready to release into the world. Whichever option resonates most with you, that’s where to focus your energy for this ritual.

Supplies: paper, pen, candle, some sort of non-flammable receptacle (actual cauldron, metal, glass, or ceramic bowl or pot, fire pit outside, the base of a grill — you’re gonna burn some shit up so you want something to let it burn in that’s not going to cause any damage to anything)


  1. Take a few minutes and ground yourself, whatever that means to you – whether that’s a few deep breaths, listening to a guided meditation, washing your face, putting your feet in the grass, masturbating, or anything else. Then light your candle.

  2. Write out what it is that you’d like to release. If this is something you’ve been clinging to that isn’t serving you, and you’re releasing your grip on it, fold the paper in half AWAY from your body. If it’s something you’ve been working on and are releasing into the world, fold the paper in half TOWARD your body.

  3. Light the paper on fire and let it burn in your non-flammable receptacle. 

BONUS: If you want to mix the burnt ashes with salt and/or offer them back to the earth by sprinkling them around outside or burying them under the moon, go for it!

The full moon taking place Saturday, February 24, is the last full moon of the astrological year.

Yes, the Gregorian calendar runs from January 1-December 31, so we celebrated that new year nearly 2 months ago. And the lunar new year began with the last new moon 2 weeks ago. But this is a different calendar that begins with Aries and ends with Pisces.

Given that it’s the last full moon of the astrological year and given that it occurs in the sign of Virgo (think checklists and organization meet inner strength and intuitive power), this is an excellent time to consider what you need to let go of in order to step into your favorite version of yourself.

What needs to be cleaned up or cleared out to make room for the most YOU version of you to emerge?


✊ STATECRAFTPolitics is a not-so-secret passion of mine. I used to run a couple of political organizations here in Kansas City and lobby at the state level in Missouri with Planned Parenthood. The 2016 election is what led me into coaching after I lost my mind and a therapist told me I had “excellent coping skills” because I was focusing all my time and energy on political volunteerism. And in this segment, we might get a little petty. But we’ll always be aiming to reclaim our power from the cis-heteronormative, puritanical, white supremacist patriarchy we currently live under in this hellscape of climate change and late-stage capitalism. Here, I’ll offer suggestions on candidates to donate to, people to follow, podcasts to subscribe to, and answer the question of WHO ARE WE HEXING? (Josh Hawley is always on that list.)

This week, we’re turning our focus away from actual politicians a bit, and sending our hexes to a jackass lawyer in Texas, who dosed his wife multiple times in order to attempt an abortion…without her fucking consent. That’s right, folks. Mason Herring, personal injury attorney, has in fact created a personal injury — to his ex-wife and now his tiny baby daughter, who had to spend a good chunk of her first few months of life in the NICU after being born prematurely and weighing just 3 pounds.

Had a doctor provided the medication to the mother, there would have been much harsher sentencing. As it stands, Mason fucking Herring was only sentenced to 180 days in jail. He’ll have a decade of probation after that. But for what the Texas law would essentially consider attempted murder if she would have been making the choice on her own behalf, with the assistance of her medical provider? That’s some bullshit.

Read more at Above the Law. And hex away. This jackass deserves it all.

*This segment is not intended to promote harm to anyone in any way. I don’t hex people in real life. 


That’s it for this week, lovely! I appreciate you offering me space in your day. And I look forward to seeing you fuck some shit up today! ❤️‍🔥



P.S. I want to invite you to Project Reclamation, a private, equitable, self-coaching community, to explore the most expansive version of yourself. Inside, you’ll receive tools for nervous system regulation, emotional processing, and cognitive self-coaching. Plus, you’ll have access to Master Certified Coaches to receive written coaching as well as live coaching via group calls. And you’ll be able to join in on an integrated book club, as well as both virtual and in-person community celebrations. 

Maybe life coaching has felt out of reach for you in the past, as it’s often relegated to those hoarding enough wealth to be bored. But self-discovery doesn’t actually come in Tiffany boxes, and it is my goal to make healing and growth accessible to everyone. 

Inside this space, we’re committed to reclaiming our bodies, our time, our joy, and our lives from all the cultural conditioning that has left us feeling less than. And we’re doing it in a vibrant, supportive community that is truly open to everyone who shares these values. (Though cis-het white Christian men may struggle a bit.)

Registration is now open, so click the link to join. See you on the inside!

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

Reclaiming the Next 20 Years

Reclaiming the Next 20 Years

The last couple of years have been fucking rough.

The last couple of years have been fucking rough.

I know that’s true of a lot of people for a lot of reasons. But for me, it’s been largely related to recovery from an abusive situation. 

Recovery is a tough road. Regardless of what you’re recovering from. And this has been no different. 

My life was sort of flipped upside down, then shaken and jostled on repeat for a couple of years until I was sort of thrown out of the container completely. Unceremoniously. 

The path of healing from everything that transpired has been difficult. And slow. And often painful. And to this day, it is still quite uncertain. 

Because healing is not a destination, and recovery is not a finish line. It’s an ongoing, continuous process. 

A process I engage with regularly. And ritually. 

If you’ve been following me on socials or subscribed to my podcast or email list for long, you know I proudly proclaim myself an atheist. We could say spiritual atheist, atheist witch, or secular spiritualist. 

But I very specifically use the word atheist. Intentionally. And I have never outlined my actual beliefs. Though others have definitely tried to combat me using the word atheist, considering some of my spiritually-based practices. But without knowing what I do and don’t believe, because, again, I’ve never outlined that, it’s clear that they’re always projecting their own spiritual concepts upon me. 

Which, like, is a totally normal, human thing to do. And just reinforces my need to utilize the language I choose on purpose. 

That said, I do, in fact, engage in many spiritually-centered practices. One of which is a monthly new moon ritual. And this last one? It was a beautiful turning point in my healing journey. 

Whether or not you’re into astrology, you’ve probably heard at least SOMEONE talk about Pluto moving into Aquarius. Though there are nuances to this, it’s basically a 20-year situation that last took place during the time of the American and French revolutions. So, a lot of folks are looking around at the state of the world and assuming this will mean a series of uprisings and collective shift of power dynamics for the power of the people. 

Though I can’t see into the future and cannot tell you what — if anything — this planetary shift will mean for our local and global populations, what I can tell you is that it provides an excellent opportunity to ask ourselves whether the path we’re on is the path we want to be on for the next 20 years. 

This question was the foundation for my own new moon ritual last Friday. 

This is how I use astrology and spirituality in my personal and professional life. 

The archetypes provide a catalyst to consider the big questions and get clear on my own answers. 

And I’d like to invite you into that process with me. For the first time. 

Here’s the question: For the next 20 years, do you want the life you have today? 

I don’t mean in a Groundhog Day situation whereby you repeat today for the next 20 years. But if you look around at your life right now, is that the life you want to continue living for the next two decades? 

If so, why? What are the aspects of your life that you’d like to continue experiencing as they are or build upon and strengthen? 

If not, why not? But, like, specifically. Not “everything sucks, and I want to burn it all down.” What about your life right now do you want to make sure you change over the course of the next 20 years because you don’t want to repeat it? And is that actually in your control to change? (If so, how?)

When I used this line of questioning within my own new moon ritual last Friday, starting with “For the next 20 years, do I want the life I have today?” my answer was a resounding YES. 

For the first time in quite a while, I’m looking around at my life, and I genuinely love what I see. 

While I was inside of the abusive situation I found myself in a few years ago, I tried to create changes that I had no control over. And I weaponized that against myself in ways that took a long time to see clearly. 

In assuming responsibility for what wasn’t mine, I handed over the power I did have — the power to control my own emotional well-being, the power to care for my own mental health, the power to regulate and expand the capacity of my own nervous system. 

During that time period, I refused to believe what I saw and convinced myself that it was something else. And I wasn’t alone in that. 

In the time since, I’ve had to dismantle a lot of my internal beliefs in ways that have been wildly uncomfortable. (Not that such work is ever super comfy!) I’ve spoken out against abusive practices in ways that keep me legally protected. And I’ve developed relationships and connections with others who have had similar experiences. 

And though it sometimes still feels a bit unstable, the life I have today is absolutely the life I want to continue living for the next 20 years.    

When I did my new moon ritual last Friday, and I asked myself the question about whether I want my “today life” for the next 20 years; here are the things I took intentional notice of from the couple of days before and after, in order to determine my answer: 

  • I spent much of Friday planning two retreats — one here in Kansas City for my SellingU Mastermind clients and one I’m co-hosting with a friend and brilliant marketing consultant/psychic medium in the Bordeaux region of France. 

  • I currently have the privilege and honor of regularly coaching some of my favorite clients I’ve ever had. 

  • I take self-care seriously. Including, but not limited to, having my hair cut and colored on Friday and getting pedicures with my mom on Saturday. 

  • I spend intentional time with people I love — my partner, my friends, my family members. These relationships don’t just happen by default. I consciously make an effort to develop and nurture them. 

  • I take the same intentionality to my relationships with my clients and collaborators. 

  • I’m committed to treating my body well — nourishing foods, moving in ways that feel good, spending time outside, processing emotions, caring for my nervous system, and adorning it in ways I enjoy.

  • I take pleasure in creating spaces within my home that honor both myself and my partner. 

Professionally, there are goals I have. I want to add more retreats into my business model, so my focus is shifting a bit in that direction while doing so within the context of my current offers. I’ve adjusted the pricing for the SellingU Mastermind to reflect this difference and to allow the annual planning we do to be open to the Community level, as well. I’m committed to at least one Reclamation Weekend retreat within Project Reclamation each year (though I plan to increase that in future years). And I’m adding an offer for a private VIP 1:1 retreat for my current clients. 

Relationships are the most important thing to me — personal relationships, professional relationships, and the relationship I have with myself. So, most of my focus goes there. And that’s where I want most of my focus. 

And doing it all in surroundings that look and feel good to me is crucial. Blame my Libra sun for that if you’d like. I need things to be beautiful. And organized, thanks to my Virgo rising. 

The life I’m living today is absolutely the life I want to live for the next 20 years. It’s the life I want to build upon and expand in various ways. There’s nothing I want to eliminate.

Do you want your “today life” to be the life you’re living for the next 20 years? 

If not, it’s time to make some changes.  

And I’d love to help you with that. 

I currently have space for two additional 1:1 clients on my roster. 

Project Reclamation — the equitable, self-coaching community — is open for ongoing enrollment. 

SellingU — both the Community membership and Mastermind levels — has enrollment available right now for our 2024 cohort, which starts in March

The Bordeaux retreat is officially open to the public. 

And if you want more info on the 1:1 retreat offer or the body-focused Reclamation Weekend retreat coming up in June, just email or DM me. We’ll talk about it. 

The life you’re living today is the life you’re going to be living for the next 20 years. 

That can be by default, and nothing changes. 

Or it can be an intentional choice, strengthening the pieces you want to keep and shifting the pieces you don’t. 

Which way will you create the next 20 years of your life?

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

Reclaiming the Spirit of Your Work in the World

Reclaiming the Spirit of Your Work in the World

I’m going back to France this September. Wanna go with me?

I’m going back to France this September. Wanna go with me? 

You’re absolutely invited! 

Only a handful of spots are left open, and I’d love to reserve one for you!

But, like, what’s the purpose of this trip? ← That’s a great question, and it’s one that a lot of folks have been asking my co-host, Sarah Magnoni and me. 

Sarah is a marketing consultant by day and psychic medium by night. 

I’m a sales coach in one leg of my business, and I also hang out in the Akashic records

So we’re putting this shit together in a way that’s a bit nontraditional. A bit unconventional. A bit off-putting to a lot of folks. WHICH IS HOW WE KNOW IT’S RIGHT.

Look, entrepreneurship is hard. Solopreneurship is isolating. And we all need connection with other people who get it. 

Is this retreat exclusively for business owners? ← No. Not exactly. 

We’ve been focusing on entrepreneurs in our marketing and sales because we know that entrepreneurship requires a certain level of personal development. And quite frankly, we’re not going to France to either solve your problems or listen to you complain about shit you’re unwilling to step up to and recognize your role in. 

We’re going to France to connect with our spirit teams — and your spirit teams — for messaging and guidance so that you can step further into yourself. So that you can dig deeper into who the fuck you are. So that you can reclaim YOUR work in the world. 

Whether your work in the world is in the lane of entrepreneurship, or in sales, or in non-profit work, or in project management, or in finance, or in healing, or in parenting, or anything else. 

We’re going to France to help you create and commit to a plan that will take you further than you thought you could go. 

And we’re going to France to get ourselves out of the level of toxic capitalism that permeates American culture with go-go-go do-do-do hustle-hustle-hustle. 

Because the depth of connection we’re fostering on this retreat requires us to slow down. Which is one of the things we recognized and loved so much about France when we were there last fall. 

When you join Sarah and me in France this September, here’s what you can expect: 

  • Day 1, we’ll have a leisurely evening at the chateau where we’re staying. You’ll arrive to a luxurious setting in the French countryside, where we’ll share a meal for dinner and have absolutely zero obligations. Because a day of international travel means you will need rest. 

  • Every morning, you’ll have breakfast available at the chateau. With plenty of coffee and plenty of cream. 

  • We’ll do loosely structured work with your spirit guides on up-leveling your work in the world, whatever that means to you. You may receive messages about what your audience needs to hear from you in your marketing or a new offer that could catapult your business to the next level. Your guides may want to share with you how overcoming some ancestral trauma could help you connect with your family more deeply. Or maybe your grandma will come through to remind you how much you’re loved, and that will help you tap into your inner strength to ask for the promotion you were overlooked for last year. 

  • You’ll receive professional photography with my photographer. (Yes. I’m taking Kelly to France with me. If you’ve worked with her, you know why. If you haven’t, you’re in for a treat!) One thing that we’re socialized into as women is disregarding ourselves. Another is hating how we look. So we often take photos of everyone else, but we’re not captured in our own visual records of our memories. But you deserve to see yourself in a beautiful setting, with beautiful lighting, and beautiful framing. (And if you have a marketing use for it, great!) 

  • We’ll have guided tours AND completely unstructured free days for visiting Bordeaux and Cognac. We’re staying in between the two, so why not experience both?

  • You will have the pleasure of what will be quite possibly the most delicious food you’ll ever eat in your life. I’m not joking. I still dream about the meals we had in France last fall. You want to experience this. Trust me. You do. 

  • We’ll provide on-site support for whatever comes up. Truly. Nothing is off-limits. Sarah and I are both certified in various cognitive coaching modalities. We’re both connecting to things unseen in support of your truest/highest/deepest/favorite self. We’ve got somatics. We’ve got bodywork. We’ve got energy work. AND we have someone hired whose whole job is tactical support. (It’s Megan. If you’ve worked with me much at all, you know her, and you love her. She’s gonna be there, too. Because, obviously.)

  • Very important: Clarity. And community. These are perhaps the two biggest gains you can expect from this experience. Healing happens in community. And we can’t heal what we’re unwilling to reveal to ourselves. You’ll get clear. And you’ll be supported. 

  • And, of course, we’ll do a ritual. Oh, yes, baby! It wouldn’t be one of my retreats without it! We’ve got ourselves a lunar north node eclipse happening September 17/18 (I gotta double check the time zones on that one.) And considering this full moon is JUUUUUST before we transition into Libra, who’s hanging out in the south node right now, we’re likely gonna get deep with what the full moon highlights here. So we’re gonna tap into this full moon energy with a ritual designed for your growth and your healing. 

Sarah and I are going to work out more of the specific details for our Bordeaux/Cognac retreat as we get closer to the trip so that we can make sure we honor everyone attending. Your needs and preferences will be taken into close consideration to ensure you’re well cared for. 

But what I can tell you is that when you’re in France with us this fall, it’s going to be a pivotal experience for you. 

You’ll look back on this trip, and it’ll be one of those moments you say, “And that’s when everything changed.” 

The trip itself will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. But it won’t be one you walk away from and forget about as soon as you get home. 

You know what I’m talking about. Like those rah-rah events that get you pumped up in the moment, but you get home, and you’re like, “Welp. Back to the same ol’ shit.” 

That’s not the vibe here. 

Our goal is to ensure that you have a plan when you leave for how to integrate your French retreat experience into your daily life. 

So, while a lot of what we do will be from a spiritual perspective, we’re using it to create sustainable, tangible results for your life after France. 

We’re not just gonna hang out in the airy-fairy land of make-believe. (And I say airy-fairy with SO much love. I’m a Libra sun, Aquarius moon, and there’s so much more air where that came from!) 

We’re tapping into things unseen in order to help you uplevel wherever you’ve felt stuck in your life. In your business. In your career. In your work in the world. 

Are you ready? 

We’re booked for September 15-21 in Saint-Germaine-de-Vibrac, which is nestled between Cognac, Bordeaux, and La Rochelle, near the Bay of Biscay. And we have a spot left with your name on it. 

Do you want it?

Email me to tell me you want in or to ask questions, and I’ll get you everything you need.

I can’t wait to hang out with you (and your spirit team) in France!

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

It’s Friday! Let’s F*ck Some Sh*t Up Together!

Happy Friday, lovely! It’s time to fuck some shit up!

Happy Friday, lovely! It’s time to fuck some shit up! 

Twice a month, in accordance with the lunar cycles, we gather in circle here and in your inbox for a salaciously good time. We talk sex, self-care, and reclaiming what has always been ours via ritualized practices and hexing shitty politicians. And for my entrepreneurial babes out there, you’re getting a little bonus sales tip, too. 

Why? Because I want to combine everything in my varied background into one place to offer my highest and greatest good to you. Take what resonates. Leave the rest. 


🔥 SEXIn this segment, I hand you a little tip to keep your sexual health in line or spice up your bedroom. Why? Because I sold sex toys for 12 years and received training from some of the best sexologists in the world. Any products mentioned are available HERE.

Own your pleasure. It’s yours to enjoy. Therefore, it’s your responsibility.

So often, we give the full power of our pleasure over to our partners. And when they don’t live up to our (generally uncommunicated) expectations, we either blame and resent them or weaponize it against ourselves. Either something’s wrong with them because they didn’t provide you with the pleasure you were seeking, or something’s wrong with you.

But none of that is really true. It’s just that you were operating under the belief that your pleasure was their responsibility, which makes sense. It’s what we’re conditioned to believe. We leave it up to them to determine what we feel…and then get pissed when they don’t make us feel what we want to feel.

It’s not their responsibility, though. And it’s not even within their control.

I know you’ll want to argue with that point, but how many times have you been with a partner and things aren’t going exactly the way you want them to, yet you don’t speak up. You fake an orgasm just to get it over with. You pretend things are fine when they’re not. You’re not at all into something but go along with it just to avoid ruffling feathers.

And then you resent your partner for not doing things the right way.

Stop handing over the power of your pleasure. Reclaim the reigns. Take ownership of your own pleasure.

*If your knee-jerk reaction to that is “FUCKING HOW???” you need to join Project Reclamation. 🔥


💖 SELF-CAREIn this segment, I combine my background as a massage therapist with my training as a coach to offer you tips for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. My personal recommendation for physical movement is the Pilates-based mat work offered by Tandy Gutierrez. Not only has Tandy’s work helped me navigate living in an auto-immune body, but over the years, this has helped me more than anything else to heal my nervous system. Check out her Unicorn Wellness Studio HERE.

What are you not saying?

That deep, inner truth that you’ve known for a while but you’ve been afraid to admit: What is it?

Are you even being honest with yourself about it?

We’re socialized to hold ourselves back, to keep the peace, and to put others’ needs ahead of our own. And we’re told that doing so makes us “good.”

But putting yourself aside doesn’t make you “good.” All it does is make you exhausted. And likely resentful.

So whatever came to mind in response to those questions, get clear on it. Do some stream-of-consciousness writing on the answers and why you’ve been holding back — what you’re afraid of happening if you speak up. (I call this a chronicle, by the way. By writing out your thoughts, without editing them, you’re tapping into your own ancient wisdom held within your socialized narratives.)

Then ask yourself how likely that thing you fear is to happen. And if it did happen, what you’d do next.

That “what happens next” bit is crucial to moving through and past the fear. Because our brains LOVE to drop us in the big, scary moment and just leave us there, which essentially just creates paralysis.

But by asking what happens next and truly answering it for yourself, you’ll tap into planning mode rather than fear mode and prove to yourself that you’ll be able to survive whatever it is you’re afraid of. You’ll be safe.

This is the kind of shit I work on with my clients in both group programs I offer, during retreats, and in a 1:1 setting. I know it can be extremely challenging to do on your own. It’s also extremely powerful work. So, if you’d like support with it, send me a message, and we’ll talk about how I can best offer that to you. 💖

💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸

💸 SALESAgain, I sold sex toys for 12 years. In the direct sales industry. I was fucking good at it. I earned a ton of incentives. And I trained hundreds of other women how to do the same thing. Now, I’ve taken my experience from that career, my experience with a brick-and-mortar massage practice with massage membership sales, and from building my coaching practice to develop a sales and business membership community to help other entrepreneurs redefine their relationship to sales, systems, and strategy so they can grow in a sustainable way. In this segment, I’m offering all my entrepreneurial love bugs a sales tip. Skip this part if it doesn’t apply to you. And if it does? Email or DM me, and I’ll send you my free 7-day course to find and hone your authentic sales voice.

My DMs have been absolutely FLOODED lately with “My business isn’t working and I’m failing” kinds of messages.

And if that’s the current state you’re in, I want to ask you this: How do you show up to your business from that emotional state?

My guess: YOU DON’T.

Or if you do, it’s from a graspy, desperate, maybe even pushy kind of place. And that does both you and your clients a massive disservice. Because it’s not connecting to them. It’s not in service of them.

And people only buy when they know what you’re offering is in service of THEM. They’re not going to buy just to do something in service of YOU.

Think about the last time something went well in your business. What did that feel like?

When you’re in that emotional state, what behaviors do you engage in? And what behaviors do you specifically NOT engage in?

I’m betting that you do things like showing the fuck up and you specifically DON’T do things like beating yourself up and spinning in self-pity.

That list of behaviors you do engage in: DO MORE OF THAT. 

Because the truth is, you know what to do. You know what works for your business. And it’s not living in the land of self-sabotage.

I know. It’s easier said than done. And trying to do it yourself is often futile. I got you. The 2024 cohort of SellingU starts in March. Get on the registration list here. 💸


✨ SPELLBecause this newsletter is sent out in conjunction with the lunar cycles, this segment offers you a moon ritual. Prior to all the stuff listed above, I studied art history as a way to develop an understanding of world religions. Since childhood, I’ve been on a spiritual journey to develop my own relationship to the divine. In no way do I have any interest in telling you what to believe or not believe. That’s for you. It’s personal. And for me, it’s cyclical. My spiritual practices have changed my relationship to time in such a beautiful way that I want to offer you a bit of that shift here by recognizing the cycles of the moon in order to hand you an opportunity to incorporate cyclical time into your experience of life. I work with many spiritual mentors, and ritualized practices are incorporated into the foundation of Project Reclamation—my equity-centered membership community—as well as the Reclamation Weekend retreats I host. And when you joined this email list, you received a Reclamation ritual from me. Again, I don’t care what you believe in or don’t believe in. Paying attention to the moon will help repair your relationship with time, which capitalism has fucked up for all of us. If you’d like to dive deeper into esoteric spirituality, I recommend checking out the Magical Mentoring program offered by Tandy, who I mentioned in blue above, for her Pilates work. That info is HERE

Across time and culture, the moon has often represented our inner world of emotional connection, spiritual journey, and relationship to self. Aligning myself with the cycles of the moon has offered me the added bonus of shifting my relationship with time. When we allow ourselves the space for rest and renewal, rather than keeping ourselves stuck in the constant hustle & grind mentality of late-stage capitalism, our perspectives on what’s influential, what’s valuable, and what’s worthy of our energy have space to become deeper and more personal. 

This week, I’m offering you a new moon ritual to hand you a little piece of that.

This doesn’t have to take a long time. The idea is to be present with yourself and focused on your full experience during the ritual. Pay attention to the sensations you feel during the ritual and make note of them afterward. I’d love to hear about your experience if you’d like to share!


The new moon is an excellent time to focus on what you want to create, achieve, or accomplish. You can get fancy with your rituals, and if you’re into altar work, crystal work, or any other kind of spiritual work, please feel free to incorporate it. Personally, I like to keep things simple. 

Supplies: paper, pen, glass of water that you’ll drink


  1. Take a few minutes and ground yourself, whatever that means to you – whether that’s a few deep breaths, listening to a guided meditation, washing your face, putting your feet in the grass, masturbating, or anything else.

  2. Write out what it is you want to create, achieve, or accomplish. This can be big or small. It can be for the lunar cycle beginning with this new moon, the next six months, the next calendar year, or a lifelong dream.

  3. Read what you’ve written—out loud—over your glass of water. Then drink the water.

So your New Year’s resolutions are already balled up and tossed into the fire, eh?

Excellent. Fuck New Year’s resolutions.

Stop making it about one day of massive change all at once. You are not ever going to wake up on January 1 a different person than you were on December 31. No matter how resolute you feel about whatever big changes you think you’re going to make in one fucking day, it’s not gonna happen.

Slow, steady progress with consistent micro-actions taken over time is how you create or achieve whatever you’re after.

This new moon, I invite you to consider what big change you thought you were into for the new year, and what micro-actions you can actually commit to. Like, in real life.

You’ve got some time to think about this. The new moon is NEXT Friday, February 9. And I thought about sending this email next week, in order to really align with the new moon, but I want to give you some time with this.

Truly consider what the big thing is, and what tiny steps you can actually commit to. Then use the new moon ritual to initiate your commitment.

If you want some accountability with it, go ahead and send me a message and tell me what micro-actions you’re committing to. (Not the big goal. I don’t give a fuck about the big goal. I want the teeeny tiny, ultra-doable, actually fits into your real life shit that you can tangibly commit to.)


✊ STATECRAFTPolitics is a not-so-secret passion of mine. I used to run a couple of political organizations here in Kansas City and lobby at the state level in Missouri with Planned Parenthood. The 2016 election is what led me into coaching after I lost my mind and a therapist told me I had “excellent coping skills” because I was focusing all my time and energy on political volunteerism. And in this segment, we might get a little petty. But we’ll always be aiming to reclaim our power from the cis-heteronormative, puritanical, white supremacist patriarchy we currently live under in this hellscape of climate change and late-stage capitalism. Here, I’ll offer suggestions on candidates to donate to, people to follow, podcasts to subscribe to, and answer the question of WHO ARE WE HEXING? (Josh Hawley is always on that list.)

I’m so tempted to do a third focus on hexing Trump. I mean, COME ON! He just keeps getting worse!

But if we only focus on him, we disregard all the other assholes whose power we want to revoke. So this week, we’re hexing Ron Desantis.

I know, we’ve hexed him in the past. But his “I’ll never kiss the ring” vibe while literally kneeling and putting his lips to the metal is obscene.

Let’s hope he doesn’t have a career after this. Hex away, my darling love bugs!

*This segment is not intended to promote harm to anyone in any way. I don’t hex people in real life. 


That’s it for this week, lovely! I appreciate you offering me space in your day. And I look forward to seeing you fuck some shit up today! ❤️‍🔥



P.S. I want to invite you to Project Reclamation, a private, equitable, self-coaching community, to explore the most expansive version of yourself. Inside, you’ll receive tools for nervous system regulation, emotional processing, and cognitive self-coaching. Plus, you’ll have access to Master Certified Coaches to receive written coaching as well as live coaching via group calls. And you’ll be able to join in on an integrated book club, as well as both virtual and in-person community celebrations. 

Maybe life coaching has felt out of reach for you in the past, as it’s often relegated to those hoarding enough wealth to be bored. But self-discovery doesn’t actually come in Tiffany boxes, and it is my goal to make healing and growth accessible to everyone. 

Inside this space, we’re committed to reclaiming our bodies, our time, our joy, and our lives from all the cultural conditioning that has left us feeling less than. And we’re doing it in a vibrant, supportive community that is truly open to everyone who shares these values. (Though cis-het white Christian men may struggle a bit.)

Registration is now open, so click the link to join. See you on the inside!

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

Reclaiming Solopreneurship

Reclaiming Solopreneurship

Here’s a hard truth that I’ve never really talked about.

Here’s a hard truth that I’ve never really talked about.

As a sales coach, I offer an incredible program called SellingU. It has a community level that’s got a pretty low-cost point of entry, and it’s FULL of valuable content, practical application, and tactical support for both mindset and skill set. It has an in-depth mastermind level that’s a higher price point with a hell of a lot more guidance and hands-on work. 

And when I first started my entrepreneurial journey, I wouldn’t have joined something like SellingU

When I shifted my career into coaching, I wouldn’t have joined something like SellingU.

It would have been exactly what I needed: 

✨Someone with over a decade of experience offering actual leadership along a really scary path. 

✨Someone to show me the ropes and teach me the basics while allowing me to create my own spin on it all so it honors my truth, stands firm in my values, and elevates my voice.  

✨A safe place to land when things aren’t going how I want them to, and I can’t quite figure out why. 

✨A group of other people in similar places in their businesses, so I know I’m not alone. Because the solopreneur path is often extremely isolating. 

✨Somewhere to practice the scary stuff, so I’m not a jittery mess when I’m doing it all for real.

✨Accountability for all the shit I want to do but get in my own way about. 

✨Someone to hold a mirror up to me to show me where my own bullshit is all I need to overcome and that it isn’t REALLY outside of my control while holding space for the entire emotional rollercoaster that is business ownership.

In some ways, I had that available to me back then. And I avoided the shit out of it. If you’re anything like me, I’m betting you’re doing the same thing. 

Here’s why I would abso-fucking-lutely NOT have joined SellingU when I first started my entrepreneurial journey: 

  1. I was always the person who felt like I needed to learn everything on my own before seeking support. I’d read all the books and take all the self study courses and try all the things. But I’d receive the info through my own inexperienced lens. So a lot of it wouldn’t make sense. (Or, I’d think it made sense, but I wouldn’t actually understand it fully.) I’d take in so much information that I wouldn’t know where to begin. So I’d just try anything without knowing how to troubleshoot or even what metrics to consider about how well the thing I was trying actually worked. And, of course, I’d be doing it alone. So without any guidance or support, I’d inevitably crash and burn.

  2. Spending money?! Are you fucking kidding me?! I was in business to MAKE money! The thing is, I didn’t yet know how to do that! We’re not born intrinsically knowing how to build an audience, sell a product or service, institute an effective follow-up system, or even how to make offers. It would have felt irrational to spend money on a sales and business coaching program when I first started my entrepreneurial journey. But had I done so earlier, I know my trajectory would have been quicker, easier, and way less painful. I built my career by figuring out what doesn’t work from first-hand experience. And it wasn’t until I was standing atop a mountain of fuck-ups that I actually hired my first coach. You don’t have to be like me. You can make it easier on yourself. In fact, I want you to do exactly that. Because the world needs what you have to offer. And the quicker you learn how to sell that offer, the quicker your business will bring in revenue.

  3. I don’t trust salespeople. That one is a bit of a hard pill to swallow. BECAUSE I’M A FUCKING SALESPEOPLE! But, seriously. If I’m in a store and a salesperson comes up to me, I’m far more likely to turn them away than I am to ask them a question. They come up to me a second time; I’m gonna remind them that I said no. And a third time? We’re probably gonna fight. And here’s what I didn’t know back then: Sales doesn’t have to be “like that.” What exactly is “that”? Whatever comes to YOUR mind when you think of the dreaded S word. In order to learn how to sell well, though, and to do so authentically, it takes intentional effort. It takes guided understanding of your own sales voice. It takes redefining sales. And it takes hands-on practice. All of which is built-in at both levels of SellingU.

Here’s why I would have avoided a program like SellingU when I was transitioning my career from direct sales and massage therapy into coaching: 

  1. I had SO MUCH sales experience! I thought it was my responsibility to just apply what I knew and figure it out on my own. (Noticing a pattern yet?) I mean, it’s in the name. SOLO-preneur. You gotta do it all yourself! And if you have to PAY for support? 🙄 Clearly, you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing. And since I DO have so much experience, I totally DO know what the fuck I’m doing. So I’m absolutely NOT going to be one of those people who PAYS for support. Ugh. 🙄 Obviously. That’s like admitting defeat before you even step on the field. (Listen! Past Keli was a judgy bitch, okay! 🤣 But let’s be real. Present Keli sometimes is, too.)

  2. I thought I SHOULD be able to figure out any struggles I had on my own. I mean, by now, don’t I know everything there is to know about business? This one’s a doozie. We think that when we have a certain amount of experience, it absolves us of needing support. Or that because we have a certain amount of experience, we no longer deserve support. But that is bullshit. The world of solopreneurship is changing all the time. Marketing today does NOT mean what it did when I was taking marketing classes in grad school. And beyond that, experience doesn’t grant any of us the ability to fly truly solo. Solopreneurship can be really lonely. And we often think we deserve that loneliness. Or that when we feel it, it means something is wrong with us. But as humans, we’re a relational species. Of course, that varies from person to person, but we feed off of one another’s ideas, energy, and wisdom. And we actually do deserve support when we’re struggling. All of us. Even those of us who self-selected into solopreneurship. Even the experienced ones.

  3. I thought that because I knew how to run THAT business, and that OTHER business, oh and THAT other business, that meant I would inherently know how to run THIS business. And to a certain extent, that was true. But there are certain differences from one industry to the next that just don’t translate directly. For example, when I ran my direct sales business, I designed a system for and trained hundreds of other consultants on how to utilize email efficiently and effectively. But it was within a platform that was handed to me, integrated into a CRM provided by the company I partnered with. So when I launched my coaching business, I pieced things together that I knew how to use, and it was A FUCKING MESS. My assistant and I were doing so many things manually just because it made sense to me according to how I had done things with my direct sales business. But it absolutely did not make sense according to how any system works outside of that specific CRM. It took about a year to notice THIS SHIT IS NOT WORKING, and then another few months to select a CRM, learn its operations, migrate everything, and get the pieces all functioning cohesively with regard to how we handled things inside our company. But now, thankfully, it’s all working pretty efficiently and effectively. (Which is a cornerstone of business operations for me. Efficiency + effectiveness.) Had I actually put myself into a program like SellingU when I transitioned my career, the transition would have gone a hell of a lot more smoothly. Because having experience running one kind of business (or three completely different kinds of businesses) does not mean that experience directly translates and you automatically know how to run another one well. 

Here’s why, after nearly two decades as a solopreneur, with various types of business experience under my belt, I abso-fucking-lutely pay for business support now. 

  1. I know I can do every piece on my own, and it has taken a lot of work to overcome the “if you can do it on your own, you should” Midwestern work-ethic mentality. Because having the capability to do something does not mean you can do it well. And certainly does not mean you can do it AND everything else well. At some point, you’re spread so thin that everything is done kinda half-assed. If it was even done well, to begin with. I mean, listen. I took graphic design and web design classes. Like, formally. At a private college as an undergrad and in grad school at a public university. Have I technically learned how to code? Yes. Have I used systems that don’t require coding to create basic websites? Also yes. But when I started my business, I had a basic landing page, and that’s it. Hiring someone else to design a whole-ass website allowed me to have a place to house all of my offers without my perfectionist brain that LOVES to design things kicking into overdrive and sending me into a hyper-focus mode that would have led to disregarding other aspects of my business. And though I know how to utilize my CRM and could figure out the email components if I needed to, I have my assistant handle those things so I don’t have to try to fit them into the tiny spaces between clients in my workday. Just because you CAN do all the things doesn’t mean you should. Promise.

  2. Humans are a communal species. We thrive in community. The size of that community varies. For some people, they prefer to work 1:1. For others, they like a giant group. For me, a small group is where it’s at. That’s why the Community level of SellingU is capped at a relatively low number each year, and the Mastermind level is capped at a super low number. We’re not having you get lost in the crowd. And you’re not paying me to just be in my presence. I get to know your business. And I get to know YOU. So I can help you ensure your business is built in ways that honor you, that serve you, and that come across as authentically you.

  3. We all need someone else’s eyes and ears on our shit. Just because it sounds good to me doesn’t mean it makes any fucking sense to anyone else. I hire people to help me with strategy, ideation, creation, and implementation. And you deserve that kind of support, too. Even if you’re new to your business. And even — especially — if you’re not. “It takes a village.” They say that of child-rearing. But it takes a fucking village to build a business. SellingU provides that village. Inside SellingU, you get strategy, you get sales training, you get structured curriculum, you get hands-on practice, you get community support, you get a built-in referral network, and you get actual guidance for both the practical how-to AND the mindset. If you’re just starting your entrepreneurial journey, or you’ve been spinning your wheels without much progress, I built this for you.

Whether you want a lifetime community membership or an in-depth year-long mastermind, we’ve got you covered. Doors only open once a year, and the 2024 cohort starts in March. And spots are extremely limited. 

Get on the interest list now so we can get you scheduled for a complimentary consultation with me (not a member of my team) if you want to ask questions or get your payment plan started to reserve your spot.

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

Reclaiming Your Sales Voice

Reclaiming Your Sales Voice

For the last several weeks, I’ve been handing out free shit like candy. (Free workbooks like candy? Free shit like workbooks? Eh. Whatever.)

For the last several weeks, I’ve been handing out free shit like candy.

(Free workbooks like candy? Free shit like workbooks? Eh. Whatever.)

I’ve got another free guide for you today. This one is a 7-day journey into discovering and honing your authentic AF sales voice. And you can access the Reclaiming Your Sales Voice workbook here.

The assignment is simple: Sell someone or something ELSE every day for a week. You’re not selling your products, services, or opportunities. You’re selling your friend’s art exhibit. Or the cupcake shop you’re obsessed with that the world NEEDS to know about. That book you read that you just KNOW someone will identify with. Or that movie you’ve been meaning to recommend because that one friend will absolutely LOVE it. 

Take yourself and your offer out of it to give yourself a little distance. This will help you develop an awareness of how it feels, what you say, why you’re connecting the experience/product/ information with that person or those people you’re sharing it with. 

As you go through the workbook, you’ll make notes. You’ll answer questions and identify how you show up for this communication. Because THAT is how YOU sell. Authentically. And it’s how you’ll best sell your own offer. 

The truth is, you’re selling ALL THE TIME. You’re selling your kids on vegetables and nap time. You’re selling your partner on a vacation and what to have for dinner. You’re selling your parents on holiday plans. You’re selling your bestie on the lip gloss you KNOW will look amazing on her. 

While this exercise may be simple, it is also incredibly profound. Because it allows you to tap into how you sell NATURALLY and do so with INTENTION. And this is the foundation of good sales — natural conversations had with intention. 

When you discover how you’re naturally selling in everyday situations, you’ll be able to harness the power of your own sales voice in order to show up to your professional sales conversations in an authentic way, connecting with your current and potential clients in their authenticity, and allowing the conversation to flow like normal. No pressure applied. No scripts required. No magic words needed. No “overcoming objections.” Just a conversation. 

Here’s what you’re going to track every day for a week in the Reclaiming Your Sales Voice workbook: 

✨What you’re selling.

✨Who you’re selling it TO.

✨The benefits to them that made you decide to sell it to them.

✨How it feels.

✨What it sounds like. 

You’ll also have space each day to record anything else you notice. And, at the end of the week, you’ll have an opportunity to reflect on themes, where you held yourself back, what felt most and least authentic (and why), and how you can apply it to selling your offer. 

Because theory is great, but without practical application it’s not doing you much good. 

For support with both theory AND practical application — both mindset AND skill set — when it comes to your own business, check out SellingU. We have a Community level for lifetime access to a structured curriculum, hands-on practice, non-punitive accountability, and built-in networking. And for more in-depth work with ongoing support, 1:1 strategy sessions, and an in-person retreat, you’ll want the Mastermind level. Doors only open once a year, and our next cohort starts in the spring, so get on the list today!

Regardless of whether or not you choose to join in on SellingU, the Reclaiming Your Sales Voice workbook is designed to help you practice honing YOUR sales philosophy, YOUR sales language, and YOUR sales technique so you can sell your offer like YOU.

Throughout the week, I’d love to know what you’re selling! If it’s a product or service you love, tell me about it! Tag me on socials @Keli.Lyn.Jewel and share it with me!

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

It’s Friday! Let’s F*ck Some Sh*t Up Together!

Happy Friday, lovely! It’s time to fuck some shit up!

Happy Friday, lovely! It’s time to fuck some shit up! 

Twice a month, in accordance with the lunar cycles, we gather in circle here and in your inbox for a salaciously good time. We talk sex, self-care, and reclaiming what has always been ours via ritualized practices and hexing shitty politicians. And for my entrepreneurial babes out there, you’re getting a little bonus sales tip, too. 

Why? Because I want to combine everything in my varied background into one place to offer my highest and greatest good to you. Take what resonates. Leave the rest. 


🔥 SEXIn this segment, I hand you a little tip to keep your sexual health in line or spice up your bedroom. Why? Because I sold sex toys for 12 years and received training from some of the best sexologists in the world. Any products mentioned are available HERE.

Communicate openly.

That’s easier said than done, right?

Communication with another person is always inherently a challenge — not necessarily always a difficult one, but a challenge nonetheless — because you’re dealing with the intent of the communicator + the interpretation of the recipient. And we all have lenses through which we see (and hear) everything based on our own life experiences, socialization, and internal belief patterns. So intent and interpretation can often be different — whether subtly different or wildly different.

And when we add the pressure of that communication being about sex? Oh, boy. All bets are off.

What’s shameful? What’s pleasurable? What’s okay? What’s fun?

What the hell is it even all about?
Deep emotional/mental/spiritual connection? A quick fuck to get some feel-good hormones surging? Building intimacy within a relationship? Self-exploration and self-concept expansion? Trauma recovery? Willingness to be vulnerable?

These conversations are important to have with your partner(s) so everyone is on the same page. And to have those conversations, here are a couple of tips:
💖 Answer the above questions for yourself. Write them out. Excavate what’s beneath.*
💖 Schedule a time with your partner(s) to have an open conversation and fiercely protect that time.
💖 Decide ahead of time how you want to feel going into the conversation and put yourself into that emotional state on purpose.*
💖 Process the emotions that come up before and during the conversation so that you can stay present and focused on the goal of open communication.*
💖 Listen to your partner(s) and express your own truth.
💖 Schedule a follow-up, if that seems useful and follow the same steps to prepare.

* Excavation, emotional processing, and choosing your emotional state on purpose is the work we do inside Project Reclamation. Join us and get the in-depth Personal Excavation self-study course, supportive community, and coaching from Master Certified Coaches to help you along the way. Reclaim your sexuality, your body, and every other part of you. For you. 🔥


💖 SELF-CAREIn this segment, I combine my background as a massage therapist with my training as a coach to offer you tips for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. My personal recommendation for physical movement is the Pilates-based mat work offered by Tandy Gutierrez. Not only has Tandy’s work helped me navigate living in an auto-immune body, but over the years, this has helped me more than anything else to heal my nervous system. Check out her Unicorn Wellness Studio HERE.

In the northern hemisphere, winter is here. All at once. And that means dry AF skin, sinuses, vaginal tissue, and sometimes unquenchable thirst. (Though the summer sun also creates these experiences, so y’all in the southern hemisphere need this, too.)


Drink your water. Drink your herbal tea. Drink your electrolyte bevvies. And then drink some more water.

And for skin hydration and moisturizing, you may have multiple products you’re using, so I’m going to offer you a simple tip: water-based products go on first, THEN oil-based products.

Why? Because oil creates a barrier, which means water can’t penetrate it. And if you’re using water-based products, that means those products aren’t actually sinking into your skin. So you’re putting something on that’s doing absolutely nothing for you — wasting your time, wasting the product, wasting your money.

When you layer your water-based products on first, the oil-based products also help them stay where they need to rather than evaporate off your skin, making them work more effectively and giving you a bigger bang for your buck.

Caveat: sunscreen always goes on top of everything else, no matter what.
Second caveat: I mentioned dry vaginal tissue, but I don’t recommend oil in your vag. Use a water-based lube for daily hydration and moisture. (Also helpful for period product insertion.) It’s not just for sex. 💖

💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸

💸 SALESAgain, I sold sex toys for 12 years. In the direct sales industry. I was fucking good at it. I earned a ton of incentives. And I trained hundreds of other women how to do the same thing. Now, I’ve taken my experience from that career, my experience with a brick-and-mortar massage practice with massage membership sales, and from building my coaching practice to develop a sales and business membership community to help other entrepreneurs redefine their relationship to sales, systems, and strategy so they can grow in a sustainable way. In this segment, I’m offering all my entrepreneurial love bugs a sales tip. Skip this part if it doesn’t apply to you. And if it does? Email or DM me, and I’ll send you my free 7-day course to find and hone your authentic sales voice.

Your thoughts about sales directly translate to how you show up to sell your offer.

If you missed it this week, I sent out a workbook that will help you shift your thoughts about sales, to ensure you’re not making it weird.

Access your free Reclaiming Sales workbook here, and let me know what shifts for you as you go through it. 💸


✨ SPELLBecause this newsletter is sent out in conjunction with the lunar cycles, this segment offers you a moon ritual. Prior to all the stuff listed above, I studied art history as a way to develop an understanding of world religions. Since childhood, I’ve been on a spiritual journey to develop my own relationship to the divine. In no way do I have any interest in telling you what to believe or not believe. That’s for you. It’s personal. And for me, it’s cyclical. My spiritual practices have changed my relationship to time in such a beautiful way that I want to offer you a bit of that shift here by recognizing the cycles of the moon in order to hand you an opportunity to incorporate cyclical time into your experience of life. I work with many spiritual mentors, and ritualized practices are incorporated into the foundation of Project Reclamation—my equity-centered membership community—as well as the Reclamation Weekend retreats I host. And when you joined this email list, you received a Reclamation ritual from me. Again, I don’t care what you believe in or don’t believe in. Paying attention to the moon will help repair your relationship with time, which capitalism has fucked up for all of us. If you’d like to dive deeper into esoteric spirituality, I recommend checking out the Magical Mentoring program offered by Tandy, who I mentioned in blue above, for her Pilates work. That info is HERE

Across time and culture, the moon has often represented our inner world of emotional connection, spiritual journey, and relationship to self. Aligning myself with the cycles of the moon has offered me the added bonus of shifting my relationship with time. When we allow ourselves the space for rest and renewal, rather than keeping ourselves stuck in the constant hustle & grind mentality of late-stage capitalism, our perspectives on what’s influential, what’s valuable, and what’s worthy of our energy have space to become deeper and more personal. 

This week, I’m offering you a full moon ritual to hand you a little piece of that.

This doesn’t have to take a long time. The idea is to be present with yourself and focused on your full experience during the ritual. Pay attention to the sensations you feel during the ritual and make note of them afterward. I’d love to hear about your experience if you’d like to share!


The full moon is an excellent time to release anything you’ve been holding onto. And this can mean one of two things! Either you’ve been clinging to something that isn’t serving you, and you’re releasing your grip. Or you’ve been working toward creating something that you’re now ready to release into the world. Whichever option resonates most with you, that’s where to focus your energy for this ritual.

Supplies: paper, pen, candle, some sort of non-flammable receptacle (actual cauldron, metal, glass, or ceramic bowl or pot, fire pit outside, the base of a grill — you’re gonna burn some shit up so you want something to let it burn in that’s not going to cause any damage to anything)


  1. Take a few minutes and ground yourself, whatever that means to you – whether that’s a few deep breaths, listening to a guided meditation, washing your face, putting your feet in the grass, masturbating, or anything else. Then light your candle.

  2. Write out what it is that you’d like to release. If this is something you’ve been clinging to that isn’t serving you, and you’re releasing your grip on it, fold the paper in half AWAY from your body. If it’s something you’ve been working on and are releasing into the world, fold the paper in half TOWARD your body.

  3. Light the paper on fire and let it burn in your non-flammable receptacle. 

BONUS: If you want to mix the burnt ashes with salt and/or offer them back to the earth by sprinkling them around outside or burying them under the moon, go for it!

If you’re reading this in real-time, both the sun and Pluto are about to shift into Aquarius. So, you know that 🎼 “This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius” 🎶 tune? That’s, like, ACTUALLY happening now.

Astrologers are allll up in the Pluto → Aquarius thing right now, and what they say it means varies (alien invasion? AI takeover? revolution? the end of capitalism?), but the bottom line is that it’s a big shift for the collective.

And the upcoming full moon is Thursday, January 25. This moon is in Leo, which is focused on the self shining bright.

Here’s my invitation to you for your Full Moon ritual: Center your writing on your ideal version of our world and your authentic place in creating that ideal. Then get LOUD about it, whatever that means for you.

So if your ideal world is full of love and connection, maybe your authentic place is deepening your friendships, so you start telling all of your friends you love them every time you think of them. Or if you have an online presence, maybe it involves spreading more love through your content. 

Post in the Project Reclamation community or tag me on socials and let me know how you’re incorporating this into your full moon ritual.


✊ STATECRAFTPolitics is a not-so-secret passion of mine. I used to run a couple of political organizations here in Kansas City and lobby at the state level in Missouri with Planned Parenthood. The 2016 election is what led me into coaching after I lost my mind and a therapist told me I had “excellent coping skills” because I was focusing all my time and energy on political volunteerism. And in this segment, we might get a little petty. But we’ll always be aiming to reclaim our power from the cis-heteronormative, puritanical, white supremacist patriarchy we currently live under in this hellscape of climate change and late-stage capitalism. Here, I’ll offer suggestions on candidates to donate to, people to follow, podcasts to subscribe to, and answer the question of WHO ARE WE HEXING? (Josh Hawley is always on that list.)

I know we just hexed Trump two weeks ago, but given how the Iowa caucus turned out (which obviously isn’t a surprise, but still) I’m feeling a big pull to go ahead and send out more hexing toward that motherfucker.

What do you think? Is two in a row directed toward the same man too much?

*This segment is not intended to promote harm to anyone in any way. I don’t hex people in real life.


That’s it for this week, lovely! I appreciate you offering me space in your day. And I look forward to seeing you fuck some shit up today! ❤️‍🔥



P.S. I want to invite you to Project Reclamation, a private, equitable, self-coaching community, to explore the most expansive version of yourself. Inside, you’ll receive tools for nervous system regulation, emotional processing, and cognitive self-coaching. Plus, you’ll have access to Master Certified Coaches to receive written coaching as well as live coaching via group calls. And you’ll be able to join in on an integrated book club, as well as both virtual and in-person community celebrations. 

Maybe life coaching has felt out of reach for you in the past, as it’s often relegated to those hoarding enough wealth to be bored. But self-discovery doesn’t actually come in Tiffany boxes, and it is my goal to make healing and growth accessible to everyone. 

Inside this space, we’re committed to reclaiming our bodies, our time, our joy, and our lives from all the cultural conditioning that has left us feeling less than. And we’re doing it in a vibrant, supportive community that is truly open to everyone who shares these values. (Though cis-het white Christian men may struggle a bit.)

Registration is now open, so click the link to join. See you on the inside!

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

Reclaiming Sales

Reclaiming Sales

We need to reclaim sales. Because sales is NOT what you think it is.

We need to reclaim sales. Because sales is NOT what you think it is.

In no way do I pretend to know what’s right for you. I do, however, know that if you’re an entrepreneur, solopreneur, or in any kind of sales, the bullshit you’re telling yourself about sales is not helpful to you. 

So, I’ve made you (yes, another) free workbook. Contained within the pages of the Reclaiming Sales workbook are pieces of my proven sales philosophy. I offer them to you for several reasons. 

First, because, as I stated above, we need to reclaim sales. From whom? From the shitty bro marketers, the shitty “hey girl” MLM copy/paste methodologies, and the shitty societal connotations of a balding man with a wet cigar hanging out of his mouth and his chest hair popping out of his partially unbuttoned shirt trying to pressure you into a used car that you absolutely do not want.  

Second, because I want you to see what other perspectives are available to hold so that you can decide what to try on, what to keep, and what to toss. 

Here’s what I’m NOT giving you inside the workbook: scripts, fancy methods, psych hacks, linguistic strategies, or any other kind of copy/paste concept. 


Because when it comes to sales and marketing, that shit doesn’t work. People sell it! You can purchase sales scripts! But not from me. 

What I teach is honoring your full self and your clients’ full selves as the core foundation of everything. Copy/paste strategies are bullshit — because they’re not YOURS. There are no magic words, scripts, hacks, or methods to “make people buy.” 

If there were, that would be manipulation. And manipulation is the number one fear I hear from my clients about sales. You don’t want to be pushy. You don’t want to force people into anything they don’t want to do. Therefore, YOU DO NOT WANT A SCRIPT.

You THINK you want a script because you think sales is some fancy skillset. But, again, sales is not what you think it is. 

Sales happen for two reasons:

  1. A need or desire has arisen organically.

  2. Something has created a need or want.

But you likely have some other, unhelpful ideas about what sales means that are holding you back and holding your (current and potential) clients back. So we need to redefine what sales means in your brain. 

To start that process, your free Reclaiming Sales workbook is going to ask you a few questions, such as:

🤔 What does SALES mean to you?

🤔 Why do YOU think sales happen?

🤔 What do you think makes someone GOOD at sales?

🥴 How does the idea of SALES and SELLING feel in your body?

Because, in order to shift into something else, we have first to recognize where we’re starting.

The thoughts you currently have about sales didn’t just come from nowhere. There is some validity in them. 

We COULD get into the psychologically manipulative approaches to certain advertising practices and marketing approaches. 

We COULD talk about the high-pressure sales techniques that people are TRAINED to do.

But what I want to offer you here is that you think that shit happens naturally, that someone inherently taps into the techniques and tactics that are based on research, taught in universities, trained in companies, and not at all something anyone is magically born with. 

It’s a set of intentional approaches that — if you’re afraid of sales — you specifically don’t want to use. 

And the great news?

You’re not going to even come close to any of that when you’re showing up as yourself to offer what you have available to someone who wants it. 

There are a lot of bullshit thoughts people have about sales. They land in my DMs (alllll the time). They come up on calls (every fucking day) with my clients. And they’re probably spinning around in your brain (constantly), doing you a massive disservice. 

👉 Sales is pushy/gross/unethical.

👉 There are certain words or tactics to learn OR just ways of being that make someone good at sales, but mostly in a gross way.

👉 Something, something, something, “overcoming objections.”

These all boil down to a misconception of the meaning of sales — the belief that selling is trying to convince someone to purchase something they don’t need or don’t want. 

But what if SALES really just means providing information and making an offer so that the other person can make an informed choice on their own behalf?

And what if by NOT selling, you’re actually taking away their choices and robbing them of their autonomy because they don’t have the appropriate information and don’t know the options available to them? 

If I don’t give you the information upon which you can base a decision, I’m making the decision for you. (👈 Do yourself a favor. Read that again. Out loud.)

Here are some more bullshit thoughts people have about sales: 

👉 People will buy what they want.

👉 If they want it, they’ll ask for it. 

These beliefs make the assumption that their desires will lead them to approach you. But what’s more likely is that if you don’t offer what you’re selling: 

  1. They’ll think you don’t like them. 

  2. They’ll think you don’t want to work with them (or, in the case of a renewal, that you don’t want to work with them further). 

  3. They don’t even know that you offer it and that they can buy it from you!

If they want what you have available, but you don’t offer it, you’re right! They’ll buy it! But they’ll do so elsewhere, from someone offering it. Because they won’t want to risk humiliation by asking someone they think doesn’t want to give it to them or who they don’t even know is offering it. 

And the reason you’re not asking is because you’re making that ask mean more about you than you are about what it could do to help or serve your client. 

You’re expecting your current or potential client to have more confidence than YOU have as the seller. You’re expecting them to ask for something you’re not offering. While you may want to actively work to dismantle the relationship hierarchy we’ve socially created between buyer and seller, in the beginning, you’re the one with the power. 

That power is to offer them information so that they can then use their power to make a decision. Your part comes first. 

Will there be clients who buck the system and ask for what they want? Sure. But they’re the occasional few, not the standard many. 

How about a few more bullshit thoughts people have about sales? 

👉Taking money from other people = icky.

👉 Marketing is okay because that’s serving an audience for free.

👉 Something, something, something, “capitalism.”

When you accept payment for your products or services — whether on your own behalf or on behalf of someone you work under as an employee or contractor, you’re delivering something in exchange for that payment. 

In no way do I believe the relationships you have with your clients are transactional. I believe those relationships are built on trust. However, there will always be an exchange. 

Because you are a professional. And the transaction helps ensure you can create and uphold professional boundaries. 

They pay for X. You know that. They know that. There are inherent structures based on your professional offer. And you can rely on those structures to uphold the integrity of your work. 

There’s a second crucial factor here that is somewhat controversial but that I’ve found to be relatively true in most instances: People don’t show up for free shit. 

Personally, I would much rather take someone’s money in exchange for a high-value opportunity for their own growth and transformation than expect them to be as emotionally invested for free. Because I know how much more they’ll get out of the work when they’re invested in it. 

Is this a capitalistic viewpoint? Sure. 

Would I MUCH rather live in a society that’s not dripping with toxic capitalism? Yes. Yes. All of the yes. 

But just like I can choose to let sexism, homophobia, and all the other systems of oppression paralyze me OR I can choose how I want to show up to dismantle them, I can make the same choice about living under capitalism. 

Capitalism exists. We can all agree to that as a factual truth of the time and place in which we live. And we could all go live off-grid and opt out of the capitalistic society that surrounds us. But how many people would we be able to reach from there? Probably not many. And how big of an impact could we make there? Probably not much of one. 

Plus, honestly, as a coach, I’m pretty confident that my clients paying me means their money is far better off than it would be in the hands of Amazon, PornHub, Miller-Coors, or any other company that profits off of people trying to feel better and then fucks up the world with those profits. 

And I’m pretty confident the same is true for you. 

There are no magic words. Stop looking for them. 

The first question many people ask me when they hear about all the sales incentives and accolades I’ve received over the years is, “What are the words you say?” 

They always want my sales scripts. They want me to teach them how to say the right things to make people buy. But I said it before, and I’ll say it again: You don’t want a fucking script. 

What you want is to stop being afraid of sales. And you think a script will give that to you, but it won’t. 

Of all the bullshit thoughts people have about sales, the main concept is that you don’t want to be “salesy.” Which really means that you don’t want to be manipulative. And if there were a script that ACTUALLY worked or magic words that could ACTUALLY make people buy, it would be manipulation. 

By using a sales script, you’d be manipulating people, which is the thing you don’t want to do. That’s the thing you’re afraid of. That’s the thing that makes people hate sales. 

Instead, you need to shift your relationship to sales. And to do that, you need to shift your definition of sales. 

Sales is nothing more and nothing less than a conversation. Your side of the conversation goes first: You offer them information and an opportunity to make a decision. Then it’s their turn: They make the decision. You don’t make it for them. (Unless, of course, you choose NOT to sell. In which case you’re deciding their answer is no.)

Download your free Reclaiming Sales workbook to work through this concept for yourself. 

If you want actual support, guidance, and leadership through shifting your relationship to sales so that you can grow your business, I’d love to work with you inside the SellingU Community. And if you want in-depth work together with 1:1 strategy sessions and an in-person annual celebratory retreat, you want to get into the SellingU Mastermind

Doors only open once a year, and spots fill up quickly. Get on the list and save your spot in the spring cohort by pre-registering at

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