Reclaiming Sex

Start foreplay in the morning.


Not 5 minutes before you want to engage in penetration. (Because fucking OUCH!)

But if you think you might want to get busy in the evening, get flirty in the morning. Touch your partner (or yourself…or both) in sensual ways before leaving for work. Send suggestive text messages throughout the day. Make sexy plans on your lunch break. And live into intimacy throughout the day.

That doesn’t mean being constantly distracted, but checking in with your own sexuality throughout the day rather than checking out with social media or whatever else you use to numb out.

Then, when it’s time to truly connect with your sexuality, it’ll be more readily accessible. More within reach. More available.

You’ll be ready. And eager. And you’ll have a much more pleasurable experience.


It’s Friday! Let’s Fuck Shit Up Together!


Let’s Fuck Shit Up Together!