Reclaiming Sales

What comes to mind when you think of SALES? A creepy dude smoking a cigar with his chest hair popping out of his half-buttoned shirt? Those dreaded “hey girl” messages from someone you’ve not spoken to in a decade? Some kind of random I CAN GET YOU 10,000 CLIENTS A DAY message that lands in your hidden inbox?

Yeah, that’s all normal imagery. But it’s not what sales actually is. At least, it’s not what sustainable sales is. Because to make it sustainable, it needs to be authentic. And connected.

When I coach and train my clients on their authentic sales voice, it comes from the place where they’re already selling.

Yes. Already selling. YOU are already selling. All the time.

The IT toys that are on Black Friday special that you told your friend about so she could get them for her kid? The incredible book you read that you recommended with enthusiasm to the coworker who loves that genre? The restaurant you got your mom to book a reservation at because you know she’ll love that one dish?

That’s all selling.

Tap into THAT and get curious about what it feels like. What it sounds like. And how to incorporate it into selling your offers.

Because that’s your authentic sales voice. And that’s what will help your clients connect with what you’re selling.


It’s Friday! Let’s Fuck Shit Up Together!


Reclaiming Self-Care