Holland Colvin Holland Colvin

Reclaiming Relationships

What does the word “relationship” mean to you? I don’t necessarily mean specifically intimate partnerships. We’re in relationship with everyone and everything in our lives, including the various aspects of ourselves. But when you think of being “in relationship,” what comes to mind? When you’re in a relationship with someone else – be it a romantic partner, a friend, a family member, or even a co-worker – is there a particular role that you tend to fulfill? If so, where did that role come from? And do you like it? I don’t want to skip over the self-relationship or any relationships you have with animals, inanimate objects (like your car, your clothes, etc), or concepts (like money, time, home, work, etc). But sometimes, the patterns we have in relationships are more easily seen when we look across the breadth of relationships we have with other people.

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

How the Fuck Did We Get Here? A Patriarchy Story

What do Cleopatra, Medusa, and Cassandra all have in common? They’re positioned as the actual main characters in the last three books for 2023 within the integrated book club inside Project Reclamation. We know these women. But we only know their stories from the perspective of the patriarchal lens of storytelling that handed them down to us. And that’s the point of this book series. It’s a five-month deep dive into how the fuck we got here in the very specific intersectional blend of patriarchy, white supremacy, Christian supremacy, etc etc etc we find ourselves living in today.

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

It’s Friday! Let’s Fuck Shit Up Together!

Hi, I’m Keli. I’m your life coach now. Twice a month, in accordance with the lunar cycles, we gather in circle here and in your inbox for a salaciously good time. We talk sex, self-care, and reclaiming what has always been ours via ritualized practices and hexing shitty politicians. And for my entrepreneurial babes out there, you’re getting a little bonus sales tip, too.

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Holland Colvin Holland Colvin

Reclaiming Holidays

Holiday magic is always only available because of the women working behind the scenes to make it possible. Without recognition, praise, or thanks. And without complaint. But a couple of decades ago, I told that tired, old tradition to fuck all the way off, and I reclaimed Thanksgiving as my own. Now, I want to be clear that I fully embrace the fact that Thanksgiving is a fucked up holiday in general because we’re celebrating genocide. The whitewashed idea that Native peoples were so grateful to the Colonizers is absolute bullshit, and I do not subscribe to any of the narratives that uphold it. What’s also true is that in this particular rendition of late-stage capitalism that we’ve found ourselves in, rest, connection to one another, connection to our food, ritual, and true gratitude are never the focus.

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Holland Colvin Holland Colvin

Reclaiming My Body

Twelve. That’s how old I was when I first started taking diet pills. I was twelve. And that was years after starting to diet. I don’t remember the first time I went on a diet. But I also don’t remember ever NOT trying to control my food intake and make my body smaller. And the house we lived in between the time I was in 4th and 10th grades was next door to a woman who was obsessed with weight. Not only hers but mine as well. She convinced my mother that I needed to be put on diet pills. Because, according to her, if I didn’t get the weight off as a child, I’d be doomed to carry it around with me forever.

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

It’s Friday! Let’s fuck shit up together!

You know how technology is amazing and wonderful until it’s NOT? And then we realize just how dependent we are on it. Like, you have all the connectivity with your team at work, and everyone’s communicating effectively, and all the info is being distributed how it needs to be…and then Teams goes down. Or the internet at the office goes out. Or there’s a storm, and everyone loses power. That shit is frustrating. But what’s even more frustrating than it happening with work? Being left at the altar of an orgasm when your rechargeable toy dies. 😰

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Holland Colvin Holland Colvin

Reclaiming My Brand

A little over a year ago, I rebranded my podcast. It went from a general life-coaching podcast with no aim and no direction to a feminist sales and business podcast. It aligned with my SellingU program, allowed me to explore various business topics through a subversive lens, and gave me an opportunity to highlight and promote several of my clients and other entrepreneurial friends. But if you’ve been following along for any length of time, you know it’s not always about business. And here’s the thing: I don’t want it to be just about business. So, I’m rebranding it again.

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Holland Colvin Holland Colvin

Reclaiming Peace

I grew up in the Midwest and was raised Christian. And I remember hearing the adage of wishing for world peace for Christmas. As a kid, I had no context for what that really meant. There was no war that touched me. There was no collective violence that impacted my life. And my first introduction to the concept of military action was by way of wrapping a yellow ribbon around a tree in our front yard because that somehow indicated support for my step-uncle, who was deployed with the army during the Iraq war. It was theoretical. It was distant. And it was exclusively in the realm of adults when I was a child.

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

It’s Friday! Let’s Fuck Shit Up Together!

Hi, I’m Keli. I’m your life coach now. Twice a month, in accordance with the lunar cycles, we gather in circle here and in your inbox for a salaciously good time. We talk sex, self-care, and reclaiming what has always been ours via ritualized practices and hexing shitty politicians. And for my entrepreneurial babes out there, you’re getting a little bonus sales tip, too.

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

Spooky Stories for Spooky Season

I got kicked out of a theater by a ghost. This year, I’ve had my content stolen by spirits. I attended a spiritual retreat in Savannah, GA. We did a tour of a historical theater that’s still operational today. There was a ghost-hunting component to the tour. A voice very explicitly stated to GET OUT. When we asked who it wanted to get out, my device lit up like the Las Vegas strip. For the full story, go check out episode 111 of my podcast. It’s literally just called “I Got Kicked Out Of A Theater. By A Ghost.”

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Keli Jackson Keli Jackson

Introducing Fuck Shit Up Fridays

Twice a month, in accordance with the lunar cycles, we gather in circle here and in your inbox for a salaciously good time. We talk sex, self-care, and reclaiming what has always been ours via ritualized practices and hexing shitty politicians. And for my entrepreneurial babes out there, you’re getting a little bonus sales tip, too.

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