Reclaiming Intuition

A few weeks ago, I sent out a content survey to my email list asking about what they enjoy receiving from me most.

Overwhelmingly, the Fuck Shit Up Fridays email newsletter won out. So, as I close out this podcast (which also means my Wednesday emails and Thursday social content), that’s where a lot of my focus will be directed. 

What’s most interesting to me about that is that the newsletter came from, like, channeled guidance or whatever.

And, listen. You can believe whatever you want to believe about spirit/the universe/god/what-the-fuck-ever and what connections we, as humans, may or may not have to the generality of whatever that is. I’m not here to be your spiritual leader, and I’m (still) not interested in getting into the details of what I personally believe (and absolutely do not believe) about it. 

But what I will say is that I’ve spent the last couple of years really diving into what I lovingly refer to as “weird shit” and connecting more deeply with my intuition. And that is serving me well. 10/10 highly recommend. 

So, what does that look like? What does it mean to connect with your intuition? 

Such a vague concept. And one that is largely dependent upon your own experience with spirituality, religion, world history, and science. 

One thing I truly do not believe is that there’s one answer that applies to everyone. So, how you connect with your intuition may be wildly different from how I connect with mine. And that’s okay. 

Again, I’m not here to be your spiritual leader. I have zero interest in that. 

What I am interested in, though, is helping you connect more deeply with yourself. Which can include your intuition. 

If that’s something you’re interested in, I’d like to share with you some of what I’ve been studying. 

Several years ago, I was introduced to the Akashic Records. At the time, it felt like a homecoming. But I was so steeped in cognitive coaching work that I had to set it aside for a bit. When I picked it back up a little over two years ago, it once again felt like coming home. 

I’ve connected with my own Akashic records in various containers and on my own. I’ve offered practice readings to build my skill. And I’ve started practicing with leading Akashic journeys for other people to connect with their records. (And, because I collect education like other people collect stamps, coffee mugs, or journals that you don’t write in, yes, I’ve now gone through two certifications.)

Though I’ve not yet decided exactly what it’ll look like (and that decision will likely be made, at least in part, through channeled writing, which I’ve done for a few years now…which likely means something different to me than you’re interpreting it as, and that’s fine), I’ll eventually be adding something relating to the Akashic records into my offers. 

Also added will be oracle card readings…which is another set of certifications. Because I’m not one to just do something on my own and pretend that means I know how to do it for other people well enough to charge for it. Again, education collection. 

Specifically, Rebecca Campbell’s oracle cards. That’s where I’ve started with certification for oracle card reading because her spiritual background is also steeped in loads of education. She has actually studied the things she talks about in some sort of official capacity. And I respect that. Might I pursue other oracle card certifications at some point? Maybe. But after five certification courses, each focusing on a specific deck, I’m okay with this depth of study for a while. 

Later this year, I’ll also be diving into a program I started last spring but had to put down when my father died. It’s a training in archetypal astrology, which I’m absolutely stoked to get back into. But it is a densely created program with over 100 hours of lecture material, delving into Jungian psychology, historical mythology, and practical application of the information that I just haven’t had the mental or emotional capacity for. I’ve needed lighter, less intellectually rigorous study. So that’s what I’ve done. What the incorporation of this work will mean for my business is yet unclear. And I’m not necessarily interested in providing astrological readings. 

Divining the future is not something I’m interested in at all. Because it presents an opportunity for hierarchy that I don’t want in my client relationships. This is why I have no interest in being anyone’s spiritual mentor. I want to dismantle systems of power and oppression. Not create them. And by framing my offers or operating my business in a way that seems as though I have some sort of spiritual authority or divine connection that you don’t, that creates a power dynamic too close to oppressive systems worldwide. 

The truth is, I don’t believe I have any kind of spiritual authority. I don’t believe anyone is chosen by any kind of divine being to possess magical powers, while the rest of the world is left at a lower plane of existence. 

What I do believe (without getting into how this plays into atheism, which people still want to argue with me about and it cracks me up every time) is that every single one of us can opt into deepening our connection to our intuition, which deepens our connection to ourselves and to one another. And that there are many tools to foster this depth of connection. 

Psychically knowing what’s going to happen in the future? No. 

Offering insight into your own inner wisdom by opening windows and doors that allow you to peer outside of the box you’ve been living in to see things from a different perspective, learn more about yourself, and make decisions based on new self-developed information? Yes. Fuck yes. 

That’s what coaching does, too. 

Space holding. Perspective shifts. And neutrality. These are the greatest gifts I can offer my clients as a coach. 

And I’m working on adding more tools to the ways I offer that. 

It’ll probably be this fall before I add any of these offers to my menu of services. And I’m considering incorporating bodywork back in somehow, but I’m not sure if that piece is a this year thing or a further-in-the-future thing. Likely further-in-the-future. But we’ll see. 

Regardless of the bodywork component (you know I was a massage therapist for 14 years, right?), I'm curious about your experience with receiving any kind of “readings” or doing them for yourself. 

Have you ever had a card reading (oracle or tarot), Akashic records reading, or any other kind of reading? If so, what’s your experience been?

Have you ever gone on any kind of Akashic (or other) “journey” via meditative, psychedelic, or other kind of guidance? If so, what’s that been like for you?

Do you think it’s all bullshit? (You can totally say yes, and I will absolutely not be offended. I may ask questions, though.) 

As any good entrepreneur knows, market research and listening to your audience are crucial to formulating new offers. So, truly, I want to hear from you on this. What are your thoughts and experiences? My email, DMs, and comment threads are open. Tell me.


An Oracle Card Reading


It’s Friday! Let’s Fuck Shit Up Together!