
A nontraditional, delightfully subversive, community-supported, authentic-as-fuck SALES SCHOOL.

Do you have an offer to sell, but you have a STRONG aversion to sales?

Like, you think it’s gross, pushy, icky — your body immediately goes into shut-down mode when you think of selling your offer, and you “just don’t want to be one of those people” when you think of sales?

If you said YES to any of that, I made you a present! 

It’s a nontraditional, delightfully subversive, community-supported, authentic as fuck SALES SCHOOL.🤩

It’s called SellingU.

*Get it? It’s like “Selling University,” but for folks who are the name/face of their business…so like, “selling YOU.” Of course you get it. You didn’t need that explanation. I know. But just in case, you got it anyway. It’s called overdelivery. 😉

Within SellingU, there are two pathways to choose from:

  • SellingU Community

    An ongoing series of six-week journeys diving into authentic selling, systems, and sustainability. Because “closing the deal” and “overcoming objections” is bullshit, and to be good at SALES is not about learning how to manipulate people.

  • SellingU Mastermind

    A 12-month deep dive into your offer, pricing, content, sales and marketing, strategy, and business systems for whatever it is that you want to sell. Maybe it’s an offer you’ve been working with for a while but that you haven’t gotten to sell like you hoped. Or maybe it’s a brand new offer that you’re adding, and you’re putting it together from scratch. Either way, this magical mastermind is tailored and customized exactly to provide the support you need in your business.

In SellingU, we’re turning the concept of SALES on its head. We’re infusing it with some fierce feminism. We’re stripping away the hustly bullshit. And we’re dismantling the oppressive, hierarchical, antiquated ideas of what SALES is “supposed to be” in order to create meaningful, connected, trusted relationships with ourselves, our businesses, and our clients. 

Wanna know what each of the pathways looks like? Because I’m SUPER excited to tell you about them! 😍

Client Feedback

  • "It was a really fabulous bunch of women and, while my imposter syndrome was present (especially at the beginning), seeing them all be vulnerable in coaching and just in general (like [during] the lives) was HUGE in alleviating some of my fears of 'not belonging.'"

  • "I was stuck in the gray area of my business for longer that I liked. The SellingU Soirée helped me get through that! The world needs more anti-capitalist businesses and humans who can sell without making it feel slimy. I definitely did."

  • "[What was most applicable to my business was] making consult calls a conversation. That changed everything about how I approached them and honestly eradicated a lot of the obstacles I was facing."

  • "[I loved] the sense of community. It was empowering and encouraging to work with other women entrepreneurs to build our individual businesses."

  • "[I loved how intimate and action-based it was. Practicing talking to humans about my business because I didn't feel comfortable doing it before. [I would recommend the SellingU Soirée to] anyone who doesn't feel comfortable talking to humans about what they do."

  • "[What I found more beneficial] was learning and embracing that sales is not an icky, pushy, gross activity, but one in which we are providing someone with info so they can make a choice, and if that choice is no, who fucking cares."

  • "I would recommend the SellingU Soirée to] literally anyone in the early stages of their entrepreneurial journey offering a service—coaching, consulting, creative services, VA services, OBM services, online courses, etc."

  • "[It was an] intimate, vulnerable setting in which I felt entirely comfortable sharing all of my highs and lows. Everyone was welcoming, kind, and warm. When I was able to attend the live calls, I always walked away feeling well-served and grateful. Even if I didn't have my own specific issue that day, it was incredibly helpful to watch the live coaching of others and I always had good takeaways."

  • "I appreciate [Keli's] frank and direct style that is delivered with the utmost respect and love. [She] challenged us to think about sales in entirely new ways, calling our BS and cheering us on every step of the way. It was a fantastic experience."

  • "It's crazy how much I learned from the other women and about myself from the coaching! I knew the patriarchy has done us dirty, but that dirt runs DEEP! The Soirée was a wonderful opportunity to start rethinking ideas I never even knew I had (and thus far never consented to) about me as a business woman and business in general. It was a safe space to explore (and challenge) some pretty engrained patterns."

SellingU: Community

SellingU: Community ✶

You know all the shitty ways people “sell” stuff?

  • the pushiness

  • the catchy phrases

  • the incessant “won’t take no for an answer” nonsense

  • the saying your name over and over again to “build rapport” (even though it really just builds annoyance)

And you know that gross feeling you get when you think of things like “overcoming objections,” making you feel like you’re trying to manipulate the other person into giving you money for something they don’t want?

The work we do together — in community — on an ongoing capacity, within the context of a series of six-week Soirées, calls bullshit on all of that.

In here, you’ll get:

  • Weekly coaching/strategy calls as a group

  • Access to an ongoing series of six-week journeys diving into authentic selling, systems, and sustainability

  • Co-working sessions to engage in some hands-on “work” time together

  • Non-punitive accountability structure

  • Application practice

  • Access to an incredible community of folks who are supportive, productive, and respectful


Doors to the SellingU Community open once a year — in the spring, based on the lunar calendar.


*Payment plans are absolutely an option, if that amount is not feasible for you all at once. I want to help you build your business and make money, AND I don’t want you to choose between learning how to do that and paying your electric bill. 

SellingU: Mastermind

SellingU: Mastermind ✶

This 12-month ongoing deep-dive into your business may very well be the mastermind you’ve been looking for.

  • If you’re practically oriented, consider this your mastermind

  • If you’re witchy, consider it your coven

  • If you’re somewhere in between, well, my darling love bug, then you’re my people, and this is definitely for you.

And you know that gross feeling you get when you think of things like “overcoming objections,” making you feel like you’re trying to manipulate the other person into giving you money for something they don’t want?

The work we do together — in community — on an ongoing capacity, within the context of a series of six-week Soirées, calls bullshit on all of that.

In here, you’ll get:

  • 1 hour 1:1 deep dive call with me with an action plan for our year-long work together

  • Weekly coaching/strategy calls as a group

  • Lifetime access to the SellingU Community, with all the curriculum and networking available there

  • Weekly co-working sessions to engage in some hands-on “work” time together

  • Quarterly 1:1 strategy session with me, focused exclusively on your action plan

  • Non-punitive accountability structure

  • Application practice

  • Access to an incredible community of folks who are supportive, productive, and respectful

  • End-of-our-year celebratory retreat

Fill out the waitlist form and we’ll get you registered for the next cohort. Spots are extremely limited, because this is a sacred space and I refuse to corporatize it. I am IN IT with you, every step of the way.


*Payment plans are absolutely an option, if that amount is not feasible for you all at once. I want to help you build your business and make money, AND I don’t want you to choose between learning how to do that and paying your electric bill.