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Upgrade: ALIGN Academy

As an IGNITE attendee, you get a special discount on ALIGN: A 6-month mastermind focused on your offer, pricing, content, sales, marketing, strategy, and business systems for whatever it is that you sell. Maybe it’s an offer you’ve been working with for a while but that you haven’t gotten to sell like you hoped. Or maybe it’s a brand new offer that you’re adding and you’re putting it together from scratch. Either way, this mastermind is tailored and customized exactly to provide the support you need in your business.

With the IGNITE retreat, you made the content and created the marketing plan. The ALIGN mastermind will ensure you have all the support you need to actually implement it!

You know all the shitty ways people “sell” stuff?

  • the pushiness

  • the catchy phrases

  • the incessant “won’t take no for an answer” nonsense

  • the saying your name over and over again to “build rapport” (even though it really just builds annoyance)

And you know that gross feeling you get when you think of things like “overcoming objections,” making you feel like you’re trying to manipulate the other person into giving you money for something they don’t want?

The work we do together in ALIGN calls bullshit on all of that.

In here, you’ll get:

  • 1 hour 1:1 deep dive call with Keli Lyn Jewel with an action plan for our six months working together.

  • Weekly coaching/strategy calls as a group.

  • Access to an ever-growing library of resources for identifying your ideal client, creating your content, building your systems, transforming your relationship to sales, and ensuring your business is ALIGNED with you — all of you.

  • Office Hours available multiple times each week to engage in some hands-on co-working time and benefit from body-doubling. These are flexible and will include quiet, focus time as well as opportunities for in-the-moment discussion, guidance, strategizing, and support.

  • Non-punitive accountability structure.

  • Application practice.

  • Access to an incredible community of folks who are supportive, productive, and respectful.

  • CELEBRATION! Because as an entrepreneur, there’s no one else recognizing your success, honoring your accomplishments, and celebrating the fact that you keep showing up every single day.

In ALIGN, we’re turning the concept of SALES on its head. We’re infusing it with some fierce feminism. We’re stripping away the hustly bullshit. And we’re dismantling the oppressive, hierarchical, antiquated ideas of what SALES is “supposed to be” in order to create meaningful, connected, trusted relationships with ourselves, our businesses, and our clients. 

When you upgrade your IGNITE retreat registration with the ALIGN mastermind, you’ll receive a $2,000 discount off of ALIGN, as well as ongoing discounts and bonuses for future sessions of both IGNITE and ALIGN.

October 3

IGNITE Retreat