I’m SO Glad March Is Over!
How did March treat you?
Was it lovely and full of wonderful moments?
If so, this content is not for you. You’re welcome to scroll on past, close it out, and pretend it never crossed your feed.
For me, March was pretty fucking terrible. And if your March sucked, too, I want to offer you the reflection work I’m doing to cultivate some self-compassion as we begin April.
My March began with illness, ended with illness, and in the middle, there was death.
I decided I hated something I was doing.
The end-of-the-month illness meant that my partner and I had to cancel every activity we had planned for her 40th birthday. (And the makeup date for her birthday party was a flop.)
And I started an emotional journey that’s absolutely certain to be incredibly difficult. While it’ll be beneficial in the long run, I’m for sure dreading the work itself.
Not every moment of March was awful. My partner’s actual birthday was pretty lovely. And I hosted a retreat for my SellingU Mastermind clients, which is one of my favorite parts of my business.
So there were glimpses of joy. But as an overall month? I’d like to never repeat this one, please.
But why am I offering you the self-compassion work I’m doing? Why am I cultivating self-compassion at all?
Because, like many of us, I was socialized into patterns of perfectionism and people-pleasing that lead to self-criticism if left unchecked.
And blaming, criticizing, or shaming myself is not going to lead to me showing up the way I want to. Like, literally ever.
So I’m sharing this practice since the same is true for you. (Don’t argue. If being hard on yourself worked, it would’ve worked by now.)
Here are the kinds of questions I’m NOT asking about March:
🚫 Why did this happen to me?
🚫 What did I do wrong/what’s wrong with me to have brought this on myself?
🚫 Why does god/the universe/whatever else hate/test me?
Here’s what I’m asking myself instead:
💕 In what ways did I care for myself?
💅 Where did I create or uphold boundaries?
🥳 At what points did I show up fully?
Ask yourself these questions and see what you notice. How do the answers feel different from the answers you normally get from the questions you normally ask? (If the answers feel shitty, get softer and ask again.)